Chapter 7

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Jevil looked into his file. "Huh..."

He kept reading. There were multiple chapters. He wasn't even really a character. Neither was Seam!

He kept reading, eyes going wide. There was someone....a dark being. "Beware the man that speaks in hands..." Then, for a split second, he could swear he saw someone behind him. A dark being with a melted face and holes in his hands.

The dark figure moved towards him. Jevil stepped back. "W-whoa! Who are you"

"✋︎ ✌︎💣︎ 👎︎⚐︎👍︎❄︎⚐︎☼︎ 🕈︎📬︎👎︎📬︎ ☝︎✌︎💧︎❄︎☜︎☼︎"

Jevil looked at him in confusion. "Uhh...what?"

The figure cleared his throat. "Ah, my apologies. I just assumed you spoke wingdings because you're here." Jevil seemed slightly scared. "W-who are you??" 

"Right. I am Doctor W.D. Gaster... and I have been watching you for some time. Here, let's have a talk...."


His world really was a game. Nothing was real. His world inside the game wasn't even real. He was trapped, and the worst thing...

A darkness was coming. It was coming, and they were all trapped. 

A darkness was coming, and Seam was trapped. "No... NO!"

He turned around. Seam was in there. Everyone was in there. He had to actually warn them. He didn't care if they didn't believe him, he had to warn them.

He picked up his weapon. He had to get back. He had to warn everyone, and soon. He wasn't sure how much time he had before the darkness had come. 

"Come on, Come on, COME ON!" He said, trying to teleport back.

Suddenly, he was back in his room. Jevil's knife in hand. He immediately ran out into town. "SEAM?? EVERYONE, THERE IS A DARKNESS COMING! THE GAME, WE'RE ALL IN A GAME. WE HAVE TO FREE OURSELVES, THE DARKNESS! IT'S COMING!"

Jevil was frantically teleporting around. Suddenly, Seam came up behind him and held him back. "Whoa, Jevil, what is all this??" Jevil snapped his head up. "SEAM! SEAM, THANK GOODNESS! LISTEN, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE. THE DARKNESS, THE GAME, WE NEED TO BE FREE." Seam looked around. Everyone was staring at them. "Whoa, Jevil, Jevil, Jevil, calm down. Please."

Marx had just finished checking his home world. It had nearly been developed. And he was assigned his role.

The final boss.

It was an important role, but it didn't matter anyway. A part of him really wanted to stay, but Dimentio wouldn't like that. They were a team. Marx let out a sigh, and warped back to their meeting place, just outside the Deltarune file.

Dimentio's world was still in the process of being made. He couldn't quite tell where it was going and what he would be yet, but it didn't matter. No way was he gonna just stay and live his life according to a code. All there really was in his world so far, were two lovers. He was about to leave, but something made him want to stay and see where this was going. Just for a minute.

Seam actually couldn't calm Jevil. For the first time ever. He had to drag his friend all the way back to their room. "Jevil, please. Everyone's watching." "GOOD! THEY NEED TO KNOW!" 

Seam rubbed his temples. "Jevil, what has been up with you lately?? It's really concerning. I think I'm gonna call you in sick so you don't have to go to work today. You don't look well." Jevil snapped back, "NO, FOR THE FIRST TIME I AM WELL. FOR THE FIRST TIME I AM THINKING CLEARLY."

Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)Where stories live. Discover now