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I bite my bottom lip, trying to hold back a smile but is as impossible as keeping your eyes open when you sneeze.

"You are a dumbass,"

Harry smiles as he shrugs, "At least this dumbass makes you smile." He takes another cookie, "Go ahead, eat it. They're not some kind of poison."

I hesitate but I grab the cookie anyways. I take a bite, slowly swallowing it. Harry grabs another and keeps eating, when I finish mine, I find myself eating another... And another. And another.

"Okay, I'm taking this to the kitchen," He tells me, once we're done, as he walks out of his bedroom. Before taking a step, he turns around and faces me, "I trust you, Cassie."

I look at his eyes, he is being serious. I nod, lowing my head to stare at my hands. I know why he's telling me that - he doesn't want me to lock myself in the bathroom and... and do whatever girls like me do.

My stomach is roaring. I know why; I'm not used to feel full, I mean I haven't eat a thing in the last few days and now I am suddenly eating.

I hold my head between my hands, taking long, deep breaths. As soon as I feel better, I stand up and I walk to Harry's desk. I've seen it before but I've never realised that it was written.

Harry is not like everybody else, he's different; and you can notice when you look at his eyes or when he tries to help. The difference between other people and him is that he truly cares for me.

I look up at the door when I hear Harry stepping into the room, he grins when we connect our eyes but quickly looks away. I narrow my eyes: his eyes are red like he's been crying.I move closer to him.

"What happened?"

"Don't look at me like that," I raise my eyebrows, wondering what's wrong.

"Does it bother you?" I curiously ask.

He shakes his head, "No... I like it. I like it when you're worried about me,"

A little chuckle runs out of my throat. God, he will never change.

"So? What's wrong? Be honest, please."

"My father snuck out of jail."

I feel as if a bucket of freezing water had fallen on my head, my spine shivers as I try to say something.

But the only thing that leaves my mouth is a whisper, "Shit."

"I know. Shit happens everyday but that's now what I'm worried about, Cassie."

"What is it then?" I frown.

What could be worser than this? I feel hopeless and afraid, he can come back whenever he wants and he can do whatever he feels like doing. I also am angry, jails are made to keep criminals and prevent society from them, not to let them leave or to not be aware of someone sneaking out.

He locks our looks as he moves his hand closer to my cheek, slowly caressing that spot. He fastly blinks, bitting his lower lip in the process.

I wait for the answer as I stare at his breathtaking eyes, searching for some clue and trying to find out what he's hiding from me.

"My mom wants to move out... Away from the city to somewhere further. I don't know, maybe Chicago..."

My whole world stops spinning. I should be yelling at him, at Anne, at me, at somebody. Or I should lock myself in the bathroom. Or I can jump out of the window. Or...- no, stop. Do I even care that Harry's going to leave this town, perhaps... forever?

Of course you do. That stupid voice in the back of my head speaks again.

However, out of all those pessimist possibilities , I react to only one.

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