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My eyelids are heavy and I feel like my head is going to exploit at any moment. If I open my eyes, I think I'm going to die; well, maybe I'm being dramatic but I feel so numb.

I hear a voice, a whisper, "Cassie..."

I don't move. I don't want to talk to anybody, I want to stay in that dream I was having a couple of seconds earlier... Everything was happiness; I was with her, I was truly smiling. I don't want to open my eyes and see the blurry light.

"Cassie, wake up." Another whisper.

No, I don't want to.

"I know you're awake..." The familiar hoarse voice fills my senses and I feel relief running through my veins.


I open my eyes but the bright light blinds me, I try to move my arm to cover my eyes but I can't, it hurts a lot.

I open my mouth to speak but my throat is too dry. I lick my lips and Harry seems to notice what I want because a few seconds later, he's handing me a glass of water.

I clear my throat, "What- What happened?"

"You lost a lot of blood." His voice sounds so worried. "You wouldn't made it to the hospital so I called a doctor... You've got some stitches." Oh, fuck. I'm glad I was asleep. He takes a deep breath. "You are in my bedroom now, everything's fine."

I sigh, feeling a wave of relief running through my veins. John. Is he okay? Is he alive? I try to sit in the bed but Harry puts an arm over my stomatch, blocking my action.

I frown at his actions, he sighs; "The doctor said that you don't have to move or stand up when you wake up because you can pass out again."

"John?" I ask, looking at his sad eyes.

He shakes his head.

"I, I couldn't do anything." He says and I can see the anger and disappointment behind his eyes. "He ran away." I try to contain the sudden urge to wrap my arms around his torso.

His voice sounds so angelical and heavenly but I know damn well that I'm not even close from Heaven; this is the Earth, a place that is almost as cruel as Hell.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

He looks down and for a moment I feel so guilty, I know he is acting like this because of what happened- because of me.

"Yeah..." He replies but I can practically hear the doubt in his voice.

I stay silent, what am I supposed to say? I almost died. There's no words for this situation and Harry knows it because his mouth remains close.

"You bled so much..." He says, quietly. I feel his hands slowly stroking my wrist.

I sigh, I would have preferred to die.

"You are really strong, I may add." He says, making me smile.

He stays silent and I wonder what he's thinking. I've been in his shoes, I've been there; I know how it feels to see a lot of blood running away from someone you care for.

"I'm so sorry for being late... If I would've been there sooner or faster, you wouldn't be harmed." He connects his eyes with mine, I hate to see how guilty he feels. "I'm sorry." He looks down at my wrist again.

"Harry..." He stares at me. "I'm alive. Stop saying sorry."

He sends me a small smile and then, his eyes are focused in my scars, my lessons.

"I'm sorry." He leans down and his face begins to aproach my arm, I feel his breathing against my skin. I think my heart is going to break its rib cage, it's going so fast. I take a deep breath when he leaves a gentle and sweet kiss on one of my scars. "I'm so sorry." He slowly mutters.

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