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I walk to the door and without looking twice at Harry, I go out.

"Hey, Cassie! Wait!" He runs to me but I try to ignore him as much as I can. "I guess you already figure it out, but they're not calling you in the nursing."

Well, I suspect it.

"You think I'm dumb or something?" I chuckle ironically. "Then, you're wrong, that's why I grabbed my bag." I walk slowly to the gym; you can perfectly go out without being seen.

"You can't go just like that." I stop and turn around, facing him.

His curls are completely messy and he's not smiling as usually.

"Listen Styles," I walk over to him. "You're nobody to tell what to do nor how. If I want, I can go out of this country right now."

"You know what would happen if you go out of this country?" He makes a further step. I look at his big green eyes; too much light for me. He continues, "I would follow you."

What the hell is happening to him? This boy is insane, I don't even know why we're talking right now. Also, I have no idea what he pretends, he's being cheesy and I'm not that kind of girl.

"You know what would happen if you keep talking?" I ask in the same tone as him. He shakes his head. "I will hurt you until you don't want to talk to me again and let me get out of this fucking school. " I fake a smile and walk to the exit door, lighting up a cigarette.

I feel his hands holding my shoulders tightly, I turn around... Again. He's too damn close to me and I'm glad that my cigarette is keeping him a little away from me. I put my hands on his chest so we can have more distance between our bodies. I don't like to have him so close to me.

As soon as I'm about to expulse the smoke, he approaches to my face and his lips takes the side of my cigar, spitting it to the ground. 

I look at him in disgust.

"Why are you trying too hard? You're ruinning everything that is around me! Leave me alone, Harry. I'm being serious, what you just did was stupid."

This is the second time he invades my personal space and I don't like it.

"Let me go."

He gets closer to me. "Nope."

"Fuck off."

Before he can come closer to me, I push him abruptly. I look his silhouette for the last time and go out of this damn school.

As I'm walking, I remember that Zayn didn't bring me to school this morning and I'm too lazy to walk back home. I should go back to classes.

I turn around and bump into Harry, in the same position as before. My brow furrows when we exchanged glances.

"Can you be nice this time?" He asks, looking me right in the eyes.

"Being able? I can. Wanting? That's not something that is in my list."

He ignores what I said as a smile appears in his face.

"Do you want me to take you home?"

"No, thank you."

"You thanked me, we are getting better." He says surprised.

Let's be real: I don't like the idea of him giving me a ride home. And the idea of someone watching me go with a guy that is not Zayn, makes me mad.

I can say no and walk home. Or I can take his offer and don't move a single muscle.

"I'll go with you if you don't take any of my cigarettes away." He furrows his brow.

"Then, I'm not taking you anywhere." He turns around.

nobody's home; harry styles.Where stories live. Discover now