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"I'm not going to kiss you," I stutter as he takes me by the waist.

"Are you nervous?"

I frown when the smell of smoke fills my nostrils, "Have you been smoking?"

"No, I just didn't change my clothes." He smirks, licking his lips, "You have to admit it, though."

"Admit what?" I ask him, the scowl in my forehead deepens.

"That you loved that kiss,"

I move his hands away from my waist, "Have you ever been told that you're a narcissist?"


I smirk as I interrupt him,"There's always a first time..."

"If we kiss, that would be our third time- third time's the charm, right? It will be the last time, I swear,"

"Promise me," I mutter, lifting my pinky finger.

He snorts as he intertwines his pinky finger with mine, "I promise."

I smile in victory as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I don't want to kiss you, Harry - You're my friend." I lean forward to his face, staring at his beautiful features, his rosy lips look so soft, "But there are some rules that are made to be broken..."

Harry smirks in response as I swiftly close the distance between us, gently pulling his face to mine with my hand. Our lips crash together, moving in a dance known instinctively to them.

Harry runs his tongue lightly against my bottom lip, causing me to part my mouth slightly as he begins to explor it. I deepen the kiss as well, showing him that he's not the only one who has dominance. Harry moans in response and I instantly smirk against his lips, I slightly break our touch.

"You're smiling," I tell him with a playful smile.

He laughs as I let go of his neck, "You're also smiling."

"You can leave happy now," I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"You can't tell me that you didn't enjoy that," He says, smirking again. "I'm leaving more than happy, you should kiss me more often," In a quick move, he presses his lips against mine.

"Hey!" I complain, moving away, "You promised!"

"Rules are made to be broken, remember?"

I narrow my eyes as I playfully push him by the chest.

"Leave, now, you cheeky little bastard,"

"I'm not little," He complains in a childish way.

I raise an eyebrow as I open the window, "Whatever you say, Harry."

"Be careful, alright?" He presses his lips against my forehead in a sweet and soft way, "Whatever you need, you walk across the tree and open my window. I will be waiting for you on my bed," I let out a loud chuckle and he laughs as well before stepping out of my room and going to his house.

I walk to my bed and lie down, thinking about what happen today. I look at my arm that Harry bandaged earlier and then I stare at his bedroom only to see him looking at me. I wave in his direction and he shakes his head grinning before waving back.

I look down at my arm again and I smile, closing my eyes as I try to get some sleep.

"Cassie… Cassie…" 

I hear my name being called so I instantly open my eyes, only to find out that is still dark outside. I check my phone: 02.25 am. Who the hell is bothering me at this hour?

nobody's home; harry styles.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora