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"Well, he has a name, John." I tell him.

Am I defending Harry?

"I don't give a fuck about his name, Cassandra. I don't want to see you around him anymore. I want you to stay away from him, listen?"

"The verb 'want' is not in my list." I whisper.

"Don't challenge me, Cassandra." He says, his eyes are injected with fury.

"I just-" He interrupts me.

"You what?! Now you're going to cry?! Come on, let's go inside, Cassie. Today you won't go to school, you need to learn some things..." Harry's body tenses.

"She's not going anywhere with you." Harry blurts out.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, kid?" John asks Harry.

"I'm his boyfriend. You get to put your hand on her, and I swear you'll never see the sun." Harry threatens him. 

I begin caressing Harry's hand, trying to calm him down. I can feel how his breathing turns out to be faster than before.

"Shut up, kid... Beat me if you dare." He chuckles sarcastically. "You wouldn't... Your heart is too weak, just as your father. He never dared to hit your moth-" Harry's fist connects to John's jaw.

"Harry! Damn it, Harry! Stop!" I yell, trying to stop him. "Please, Harry!" Harry keeps throwing punches at his face. John stumbles to his feet and lifts his shirt up to wipe his bloody face off. He walks closer to Harry, wrapping his fist into his shirt as he pulls him closer to his body.

"Don't you dare to touch my son, John. Or I swear, by Elizabeth, I'll kill you." A third voice appears.

My eyes meet Anne's glare. She's standing beside me with eyes that could kill. She's not shaking like I am, she is confident and fearless.

Elizabeth. John's sister. His favorite person in the whole world.

John's body tenses as he looks up at Anne.

"Let go of him, John." She says firmly. 

I feel so out of place, I'm so confused. It's like they know each other?

"What are you going to do if I don't, my dear?" My father asks.

"Don't call her like that." Harry spits with too much hatred in his voice.

John rolls his eyes.

"I'm warning you, John." I see the doubt  through my father's eyes.

"You wouldn't..." Harry interrupts him.

"That's what you told and I did anyways." He whispers. I shake my head, wanting him to shut the hell up.

My father stares at Anne and then, he lets go of Harry, pushing him at us. I walk to him, shaking my head as he wraps him arms around my waist.

After all, he saved me. Again.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, staring at his green deep eyes as he kisses my hair.

"Yeah, yeah. You're okay?" I nod, moving away from him.

"You're more important than me, Harry. You got thousands of reasons to stay alive. You shouldn't have hit him. Even though I wanted you to do so..." I smile a little bit as he grins proudly. "You shouldn't have done that. Did he hurt you?" I ask, worried. 

Worried? Me? For a boy? Fuck.

"No, I'm fine."

I look at Anne, who's watching us. Then, I look at John, he's doing the same.

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