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Harry nearly jumps out of his shoes in surprise but as soon as he realised that the voice belongs to me, he turns around and flash me a smirk.

"I was cursing you." He says coldly but his face expresses the opposite.

"Can I know why?"

He takes my arms and wraps them around his neck. This was strange but, somehow, I felt like I couldn't deny it to him; I acted like a bitch before.

"It would be a long answer..."

I look at everything but his eyes. I don't want to look at him.

"Will you forgive me?" I ask him, being too curious about his answer.

"I can't be mad." He replies.

A little smile creeps on my face. I feel relief, and for some reason I want to hug him. 

And I do so. His first reaction is priceless; he doesn't react. Finally, he pulls me closer until his fragrance is inside of my senses. I rest my head in the space between his shoulder and neck, breathing slowly.

If I have to be honest: I have no idea what I'm doing.

"Don't tease me, Cassie." He tells me, almost begging. I giggle.

"Tease you?" I ask.

"Your breath against my neck is not helping..." He replies.

"Okay, I won't hug you..."

I take a look at his hands; they are wrapped around my waist.

"Why did you come to my room?" He whispers.

"I couldn't sleep... and I had a guilty conscience." I admit.

He doesn't reply and, for a moment, I think that he is ignoring me. But before I can say something, he speaks.

"Do you care about me?"

His voice is so soft and vulnerable that makes my heart hurts. I wasn't expecting that question from him, or anyone.

"I... I don't know..." I sigh while he rests his face on my shoulder.

"When you feel guilty... Do you smoke?" He asks almost in a whisper.

"I didn't smoke because of you." I tell him, furrowing my brow.

"Give me your cigarettes."

I chuckle. He's not being serious.

"Not even for a million dollars. You already have one pack, Harry."

"Oh, come on. You have to stop smoking, Cassie. I know you'll can." He sounds so sure. For a minute I consider his offer but before I have the chance to deepen my thoughts, the words left my mouth.

"Of course I can, I just don't want to." I reply.

Oh hey, I'm the bitch again.

"You don't care about your health?" He asks me and I shake my head as an answer.

Suddenly, Harry kisses my cheek and hugs me very tight. I frown in confusion.

"Will you let me help you?"

"I don't know you, Harry. I don't know who you are, what you do; I don't know anything about yourself." I explain.

"It's incredible because I know so many things about you and you have no clue about myself." How can a smile be sad? It's so ironic.

"Let's talk about that." I get out of his embrace. "What do you know about me?"

"Mhm... The obvious ones... You smoke, you have an abusive father, maybe you suffer an eating disorder..." He frowns. "And... I don't know anything about your mother. What about me?"

"Your name is Harry...?" I reply mockingly.

We take a sit on his bed, making the situation a little bit awkward.

"my parents are separated but not divorced." He starts, "My father abused my mother and she couldn't do anything. He's now in prison but there's a lot of possibilities that he escape. My mother is by herself, she's got me and I didn't help her in that moment." He finish with a sigh. "And yes, I smoked, I had my rebel times. But eventually I got out of that dream and entered to the painful reality."

Should I tell him about my life? He told me about his.

"You know my life." I look at him carefully before I start to speak. "I think there's nothing to explain. My father hits me, yeah. I... I had trouble in school, I have personal problems just like any other person, addiction's got me... I don't have siblings, so I don't have someone that understands me. And, well... I have my only best friend in the entire school. I believe that Zayn is, for now, the only positive source in my life." I smile thinking about Zayn.

After a exhausting silence that has a lot of questions, Harry decides to talk.

"And your mother?" He asks.

"She died." I codly reply.

Actually, it was true: she was dead.

"I'm... I'm... I'm really sorry." I feel his arms around my body, my breath starts to go faster. I don't want to cry and I won't.

Right now, I only need Zayn.

"She's fine, don't be sad about her, Cassie." He whispers.

He shouldn't have said those words. I want to tell him that is not that easy but a simple and tiny tear falls from my eye and runs to Harry's neck.

"Don't cry..." He strokes my hair, trying to calm me down. "It will be okay." He whispers, letting go of me.

I'm not weak, I don't have to cry.

"I ruined your shirt, I'm sorry." He forms a sweet smile.

"It doesn't matter, my clothes were needing to be washed." He admits, I can't fight a smile.

"We have to get up at 6am today... It's already 4am and we haven't rest all night. I should go back to my room." I tell him, yawning.

"In this moment I don't want you to go." He tells me.

I let out a tired laugh.

"I'm sorry." I get closer to him and hesitating, I wrap my arms around his body.

a few seconds later, I let go of him.

"Goodbye..." I say, walking to the window.

I leave his room and I go into mine. I still can smell Harry's fragrance. I lie down in my bed, listening to the sound of the rain falling.

Finally, I feel in peace. I don't remember when but seconds later, my eyes close and my thoughts cease.



this time i won't say too much bc i'm tired omfg i hate school

i dedicate this chapter to liz bc she's a sweetheart & she's been here since the beginning ily liz

bye guys be careful and take care there are killers out there - jk

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