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As we go downstairs, I see a beautiful and tall woman waiting. Her hair is dark, which brings out her green eyes. She is beautiful and for a moment I wonder how could someone treat her as bad as Harry's father did. She's identical to Harry - duh, she's his mother.

Harry smiles at her and goes further to hug her, even from the distance you can see how much he loves her.

"Mom, she's Cassie... My girlfriend." He smirks. What was wrong with him?! I can't believe he did that. I'm not his damn girlfriend. Don't ruin anything, Cassie. Control. "Cassie, this is my mom, Anne."

"A pleasure." She kisses my cheek and I smile at her.

"The pleasure is mine." I reply.

I look at Harry with a frown on my face but he avoids my gaze and hugs her mom again.

"I'm so happy that you're back." He kisses her cheek and she smiles.

I look at the bruises she has on her face and arms, I'm sure she has even more. She reminds me a lot of my mother.

"I think that the last time we talked, you forgot to mention that you had a girlfriend..." She says, looking at Harry.

He forgot to tell me too, don't worry.

"I'll explain it later." Harry flashes a cheeky smile and Anne shakes her head, still smiling.

"Well, if you want you can go back to your room. I'll call you if I need something." She kisses Harry cheek and before she kisses mine, she gives me a sweet smile.

As soon as Anne is gone, I look at Harry.

"You're idiot or what??! I'm not your fucking girlfriend, Harry." I complain but he covers my mouth with his hand so I can't talk and with his free hand, he grabs me by my waist.

"Stella would've told my mother what she saw. I needed to put an excuse to why I was kissing your neck." He explains, staring at my eyes. I bite his hand, he steps back and look at his hand in shock. "You bit my hand!" I burst out laughing.

"Yes, I bit you." I smirk. "That's what girlfriends do, right?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

"You know what else people do when they're dating?" He comes closer to me.

"I'm hungry!" I walk away from his body.

"I can give you of my d-" I interrupt him.

"Pervert!" I say, poking his arm.

"I was going to say that I can give you of my donuts!" He laughs.

"Yeah, sure." I mock his voice. "Donuts."

"What? You want something else?" He asks me.

"Yes, I'm thirsty." I reply, forgetting about his pervert thoughts.

"I have milk in the kitchen..." He naughty smiles.

Oh, he didn't.

"Where's the kitchen?" I ask, avoiding his insinuation.

"Down..." He winks at me as he takes my hand and turns me around. His chest is against my back, his hands cover my eyes.

"I'll take you to the kitchen." He whispers in my ear, I giggle.

"I can't see, you dork." I tell him, touching his hands.

"Close your eyes." He whispers, removing his hands from my eyes.

I close my eyes, this is going to be fun.

"There's a step, be careful." He tells me and somehow, I can feel how close to my body he is.

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