chapter 5 - omfg

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I sat there speechless. I was saved by Felix Sandman. Felix Sandman stayed with me in the hospital. 

"Oh my God." I chuckled trying to not make this conversation more awkward than it already was. 

"You've heard of me?" He sounded surprised..

"Of course. I love the Fooo Conspiracy. I've listened to almost all your songs and tried to learn a few dances to you music." Once I said that, I wished I hadn't. I stared at my hands in complete disgust of myself. 

He grabbed my hand ans just held it. 

"Whats wrong?"

"I just sound so stupid and stackerish right now." I shock my head. 

He kissed my cheek. 

"I think its cute." We noth smiled at each other.

I just realized I couldn't find my parents..

"Where are my parents?"

"We haven't been able to get in touch with them.."


"Do you remember where they are suppose to be today?"

I tried to remember what my parents were doing today...

"Can I have my phone?"

He handed me my phone. 

I had messages from Sara, Tommy, and my a few other friends of mine.

I tried to call my mom.... but she didn't answer so I left a message

I tried my dad....... no answer as well, left another message. 

"Where are my parents?"

I decided to call my brother and see where he is..

I called him and he answered,

"Hey Emily, whats up?"

"Nick? Where are you?"

"I'm at home, Mrs. Hilary brought me home from school, then went to go see mom. Everything ok?"

I decided not to tell my brother just yet.

"Everythings fine just wanted to make sure you got  home ok."

I hung up. 

I tried to call Mrs. Hilary..... voicemail.

"No one is answering their phones." I was so worried. 

"Anything I can do to help?"

"Just you being here is helping"

He kissed my forehead.

"I'm going down to the cafeteria to get food, you want something?"

"I'm ok. Thanks"

He left the room. I called my friend Tommy. 

"Hey Emily whats going on?"

"Hey Tom, I need you to pick up Nick from my house please."


"I'm in the hopistal.." I paused waiting for his reaction.


I tried not to cry but it didn't work out so well.

"I was umm.. its a long story. I'm ok now just please can you get him. I'll explain later"

"Ok I'll get him right now. What hopital are you at?"

I actually didn't know. i asked someone walking past the room what hopital this was.  


"I'm at Hunington Hopsital"

"Ok consider me there"

The call ended.

Felix came back. "You ok?"

"I just asked my friend to bring my brother here."

He wiped my tears and held my face. 

"Hey Felix"


"Why did you stay with me? Here I mean?"


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Why did he stay with her????

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