25. not again

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I woke up with a huge ass headache. 

I opened my eyes. We were off the plane. Waiting for baggage. I was seated in a chair in front of a window. We were in Sweden. Night time to be precise. I saw no one I know. Felix, Omar, Nick, no one. 

I got up but I started to get dizzy, so I sat back down. My head started to hurt more. I looked around for a phone I could use, checked my pockets to see if I had mine. I did not have mine and I saw a payphone on the wall. 

I slowly got up and made my way to the phone. I had reached the phone and leaned against the wall beside it. I picked up the phone, heard the dial tone. I poked in Felix's number. It started ringing and ringing. Then I heard his voice.


"Felix?" I tried to get out but it hurt to talk.

"Emily? Where are you? We have been looking for you for hours."

"I'm still at the airport. In baggage claim. My head hurts and it hurts to talk. I don't know what happened. I remember you sitting next to me but it wasn't you. They put a cloth over my mouth. And I fell asleep. I woke up a bit ago with a major headache. Help me." I started to cry from the pain. 

"Which baggage claim? I'm coming for you." 

"Uhhh It says Baggage claim 5 from the flight from New York to Sweden. " I started to shake. I stayed on the phone with Felix until he said he was there. 

I looked around and could not find him. 

"Felix? Where are you?" 

"I'm here where are you?"

I looked around furiously and saw the guy from the plane staring at me. 

"Felix. Felix! He's looking at me." I whispered to him.

"Who Emily? Who is looking at you?" He asked me, he sounded more worried than I did. 

"Him. That guy. That guy from plane." I could barely get my words out.

I could hear Felix talking to Omar, they were all looking for me. 

"Emily what floor are you on?" 

"uhh, I don't..... I don't know. I think the bottom floor. I can see the ground outside." 

"Okay we are coming to you." 

I looked around at the weird guy staring at me. I couldn't find him anymore.

"Felix. Omar? Someone? I can't see him anywhere."

There was some rustling on the other side and the call ended. 

"Hello? Felix? Omar? Anyone?"

I looked around once more to find some policemen. I found one walking away to another baggage claim. I started to follow him, soon started to run towards him. Someone got in my way and I knocked us both over. 

"Oh I'm sorry." I said but trying to move. 

"Don't worry I was looking for you." I looked back to him. It was him, the guy from the plane. 

"What do you want from me?" I backed against the wall. 

"What makes you think I want you?"

"You have been following me and took me from the plane."

"Start girl. A lot smarter than you were few weeks ago at school."

I shuddered at the memory of his beating me. But I take comfort in the fact Felix saved me. Felix always saves me. 

I shut my eyes tightly hoping this would all go away. A few minutes passed and someone's hand grabbed my shoulder. I jumped and opened my eyes. 


"Emily. It's okay I'm here." I grabbed him tight and wouldn't let go. 

Omar, Oscar, Ollie, and Nick came soon after. I hugged them all. Nick especially. Nice and tight,

We walked back to our car,hopped in, and went to our new home. 

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