Chapter 2

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''I swear to God, Grayson, I will rip your pesky little genitals out with the roots'' I muttered into the phone, the sound of my brother's laughter boiling my blood so much I could fry some fucking chicken in it

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''I swear to God, Grayson, I will rip your pesky little genitals out with the roots'' I muttered into the phone, the sound of my brother's laughter boiling my blood so much I could fry some fucking chicken in it.

''Oh, calm down, Scar!'' He cooed, his laughter dying down slightly.

''I'm serious, Grayson. No more pretty little kids for you and Beth, got it?'' I growled, storming my way through the crowds of people. ''And when I'm done shredding your tiny dick, I'm going to set Hunter's diner on fire and frame you for it'' I added, pushing a man out of my way as I did so.

''Okay, easy there, eh?'' He laughed again, making me grit my teeth.

''I'm not going to work for Hunter fucking Hawthorne, Grayson! Do you want me to kill myself? I would literally rather jump off a cliff and let sharks rip my limbs apart!'' I screamed into the phone, making an elderly couple jump with fright.

''It won't be that bad, c'mon! I told him to go easy on you. So calm down, alright?'' He chuckled.

''When has he ever been easy on me, you dumb willy-nilly!'' I groaned as I rounded another corner. My feet were aching and, thanks to my idiot brother, I didn't even have cash for a cab.

''Well, that's true...but he promised this time'' My brother sighed, holding back another laugh.

''I'm glad this is amusing you, it'll probably prolong your life by a few weeks if you're lucky'' I muttered as I stopped to grab a cigarette out of my purse. The rain belted against my head and I cursed the fact that I didn't get myself an umbrella before this moment. ''That's if I don't get to you'' I added with a snort.

''You really want me to suffer, eh?'' He asked, amused by my anger.

''Yes, pretty much'' I shrugged, before holding my palm over the cigarette that I held with my lips. My hand acted as the perfect shield for it as I lit it with my lighter.

''Are you smoking again?'' He was serious all of a sudden.

I rolled my eyes, ''Yes''.

''I thought you quit last year'' He sighed, disappointed.

''I did, last year. And this year, I un-quit'' I shrugged.

''Why?'' He groaned.

''It's not a big deal, Grayson'' I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. My brother was always pretty anal about everything I did. From hiding my toys when I talked smack to my parents, to taking away all my savings so I wouldn't have a Lindsay Lohan experience. Now that my parents weren't around anymore, he got even more obsessed with controlling everything I do.

''It's because of mom and dad, right?'' He asked, his tone turning cold all of a sudden.

My chest did that weird flip as his words registered in my brain, but I pushed the feeling aside like I always did. I walked in silence, thinking of a good enough answer as my insides screamed at me to talk to him like a normal human being. ''No, it's because I'm hopeless, Grayson! C'mon, don't act like you don't know me! I couldn't just quit forever, you know me!'' I waved him off, adding an obnoxious laugh just to be sure he would believe me.

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