Chapter 16: Arvard Snow

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Tired. Sleepy, on training day. The worst mistake ever. Is there different rules, because of the weird "demigod" things they mentioned. The teenagers tried to explain it to us, but I didn't understand it.

October lead us through a hall. It was long and winding. "First you have to take a test to see if you're a actual demigod, or not." October said. We walked for a good ten minutes. Then there was a split in the hallway. There was on hallway leading forward, but two in the right and one on the left.

"We will be waiting for the other demigods here. The test will also tell you your godly parent. Any questions?" October said stopping at the end of the hallway. She had a clipboard in her hand and a pen in the other. She looked at us with an icy glare. No one asked and questions. So we stood there in silence. Her eyes were coffee brown. She really stood out in the crowd. Instead of focusing on her I focused on my surroundings. The walls were metal, the ceiling was, the floor was. The only other thing is a portrait, it looked like, President Snow! Younger, not entirely the same, but they had the same nose, same mouth. It was weird. I finally asked a question.

"Who is that? It looks like President Snow, from before the rebellion." I said staring straight at October.

"It's out leader, Arvard Snow." She then turned around and looked straight ahead. I heard footsteps coming. Who was Arvard Snow? I've never heard of someone named, Arvard Snow.

The footsteps resulted in six other boys walking through the far right hallway. There was a man in front of them, just like October. He said the exact same thing as October when we reached the end of the hall, but a little bit extra.

"-Now go stand by the girls over there." The man said pointing at us, and walked in our direction. Then October made a head movement supposedly signalizing where to go. Then the man lead the boys, they were teenagers, to the area where the four hallways met up into one. After that we followed October to the same place where the boys were standing. They may have been teenagers, but the weren't the ones from before.

Willow pushed her way to talk to me. "Mom? I think that might be the guys from group 78." Willow said pointing at the boys.

"Willow how do you know that? Your teachers say you don't pay attention." I replied.

"I've always have, I just can't see the board or it doesn't make sense." Willow said it with anger in her voice.

"Why didn't you tell your teacher?" I asked her.

"They won't believe me! All they would do is tell you that I make excuses!" She got very angry at me right then and there and stomped away, to the back of the group.

A/N: I know not much of a Cliffie, but COULDNT THINK OF ANYTHING!!!!!!!! Okay I got it out of me.

iMOCKINGJEY: *deep breath*

Percy: I surprised you can even think!

iMOCKINGJEY: I fixed you . . . But I'm ready to dismiss you!

Jason: Finally no screaming!

Percy: Wait for it . . .


Jason: I guess I'll say it. Well thank you for reading! Please vote and comment! Also follow iMOCKINGJEY: Yikes this is hard.

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