Chapter 17: Good Job

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We were taking too long to get ready. I was one of the firsts. 93, I counted, 93. I could see that Link was getting fustrated. He was tapping his foot, and was making a fustration face. Me, one of the adults who found us, his son, Percy, but not Leo. I don't know why he was taking so long. Since, I assumed, that we were dressing to symbolize our godly parents, all he had to wear was a black smith's suit. While I had to wear heavy armour, the adult wearing light armour. Percy, tourquiose light armour. I see the tourquiose, but not the armour. The child was wearing all white, a white blazer, white shirt and white pants.We had a very small group. So, Leo was the one making us wait. Took him 72 counts.

"Alrighty, then! I'm all ready!" Leo said walking towards us.

"Took you long enough?" I asked Leo.

"Hey, you have to wait for this fabulousness!" Leo said. I rolled my eyes.

"Quiet you two." Link said. It seemed he turned cold all of a sudden. Why did he turn this way? This is weird.

I was in the front of the group, so I heard Link saying, "We are going to be last, I'm never gonna prove myself."

I wonder what happened, and why he has to prove himself. It took 53 counts before we got there. There was a fork in the hallway. When we walked out we saw one big group, the girls, and a whole bunch of different guys, also another group of girls. There were three on the left of us. The group was meeting right in front of the next corridor. Link then turned around and looked at us.

"You must be in your best behavior. No fooling around." He glared at Leo. "We are going to take a test to see who your godly parent is, or if you are a demigod. There are liars out there.

Leo whispered something. You could hear the whisper, it was pretty loud. You couldn't hear what he said though. Just the harsh sound of the whisper.

"I said no fooling around." Link said aiming it at Leo. Then we walked to the rest of the group. Link went in front of the whole group. There were three other people. They were standing looking at us. It was like they were the other people's escorts. Maybe the girls, have a different one. The other boys, we don't know, had a different one. The girls we didn't know had one. It was the simplest answers for the groups.

The other guy up front spoke up, "Hello tributes, today you will be meeting each other and taking a test. A brain test, you will see what godly parent is yours. We will also see the special abilities you have. It can find them out. But you have to see them for yourself." He had sandy brown hair. Fair skin, and was wearing a white jumpsuit. I just realized, everyone was wearing jumpsuits. Weird. Then the girl next to him whispered. "Oh, um. Arri, will introduce us." I guess Arri is the girl.

"I am Arri. This is Au." She pointed at the guy next to her. "This is October." She pointed at one girl with black hair. "And this is Lincoln." She pointed at Link. I guess that was his real name. "Let's go."

Link and October walked to the back of the group. Probably to make sure we don't run.

"You guys did a good job. Thanks." He said as he circled back here. Then we moved forward.

A/N: YAY EVERYONE ONE I FINALLY UPDATED. WOO! WOO! Thanks sounded real cheesy. Just shut up. Myself. WAIT HOW CAN YOU? IM AWESOME.

iMOCKINGJEY: I am awesome, Awesome, awesome.

JASON: You are horrible at singing, everyone can hear it.

iMOCKINGJEY: SHUT UP! So, Y'know we get ducks (rubber ones)as a fundraiser reward at my school. There is Katniss. This girl on meh bus was yelling "I WANT KATNISS!" JUST NO. YOU PROBABLY ONLY WATCHED DA MOVIES. YOU ARENT A TRUE FAN GIRL.

JASON: Yeah, I'm just giving you complaints of the camp . . .


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