Chapter 15: Training Rooms

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*High fives self* Sticking to the schedule for once! Okay, back to the story. Today is a special day . . . ITS YOUR POV! Not! Sorry I don't like doing second person POV.


I was worried. October told us, she wasn't supposed to, that tomorrow will be a big day. Here you don't ever know what your told. But Katniss seemed nervous, so I think it's a bigger deal than I thought it was. So I could not sleep all night. I eventually fell asleep. I charmed myself to think, if it's a big day, I need rest.

The next morning there was a loud voice, coming from the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I looked at the door, and saw October standing there. She was shouting: "Get ready! You have 5 minutes until training!" What was she talking about? But Katniss looked even more worried. So I kind of got more worried. I was standing there for a minute, dumbfounded, until Annabeth poked me.

"Um . . . Piper? Are you in there?"

"Uhh . . . What?" I said. Annabeth laughed.

"Come on 4 minutes to get ready." Annabeth said, and walked to her bed.

I ran back to my bed, and opened the drawer. That wasn't my old clothes. It had a white dress, with a dove necklace. We're training for something, better than wearing fleece pajamas. So I changed. I felt so weird in it. At least I didn't have Jason to criticize me. I almost broke out in tears at that thought. But I held it together, and walked to Annabeth. She burst out laughing when she saw me.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you wearing?" She asked.

"I think it because I'm a daughter of Aphrodite." I answered. "Hey, look at you." She was wearing bronze battle armor, and a red cape.

"It's supposed to be aegis, Athena's cape, or shield? Didn't you read about Greek mythology?"

"Isn't that Thalia's? The shield?"

"She has a replica, they used just red cloth for the cape. They went by the mythology with the cape. Of course it's a shield. We already know that, I even asked my mom."


"Attention tributes." October yelled. Katniss looked even more uneasy. "You have to be done, I hope your in you godly parent's clothes, to represent them."

Katniss called out, "Wouldn't that be hard for some people to fight then?" She was lightly armored, they probably don't know who her godly parent is. But what was she meaning by fight? We have to fight? They didn't say fight, they said "train", could that be a synonym for fight?

"I guess your experienced then." October replied.

Katniss crossed her arms. "Katniss Everdeen? Remember me? Rebellion? You must've read something in those textbooks you read."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Willow asked.

"You'll learn soon enough." Katniss glared at October.

October replied, "I don't care who you are, where your from, what you did, what you know, we are training."

A/N: I really wanted Katniss to crack. Since it's Piper's POV I made that comment with Katniss be for her.

KATNISS: I have one question. I went through two sets of games, and a actual war, your putting me in another?

IMOCKINGJEY: Yup! Feel sympathy for the teenagers, they went through a war, with Giants, and a immortal goddess, who can't be killed. Some even went through two.

KATNISS: *Stands there astonished*

IMOCKINGJEY: Yeah, and Willow has no experience what so ever, so . . .

KATNISS: What about Weat?

IMOCKINGJEY: Oh yeah, you don't know that yet . . . And you aren't supposed to know about those wars yet . . .

KATNISS: Can you be more stupid?

IMOCKINGJEY: Um, I have AAP and you don't, so . . . Yeah. Plus I can use my AAP to make you not know in the story, I rather not erase your memory, 'cause that does sometimes have problems . . . *Brings over broken Percy*

Percy: Blue Cookies (::) (::)?

ANNABETH: Not this again . . .

KATNISS: *Stands there dumbstruck*

IMOCKINGJEY: Remember to vote and comment! Also I got to find a way to fix Percy . . . And maybe Katniss too . . .

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