Chapter 11: Group 81

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A/N: I think you guys are going to yell at Willow, "Willow! You are so stupid! rfnjifsvbotgjojustfjhygnj Uggg!" I was kind of doing that when I was writing it. Brb, actually you are going to be reading what I wrote . . . When an author writes a book I think they're talking to me. Do you think that? Okay analysing . . .

Chapter 11 in Willow's Point of view.

That man just gave me a weird test. It's was like one of those All About Me packets in school. At least in elementary. But it was much weirder. He asked me who my godly parent is. What? What in the world does that mean? I guess before we went to sleep, and went into the compound the teenagers filled me in with demigod business. I still don't get it. Also when that man talked to . . . Mira? I think so. He said "This group" is there other people going through this? That's enough about my personal thoughts. I was the last one. Weat has the palest face I've ever seen, And Weat's face is always pale. What's wrong with him? Now the man came out of a different room.  analysing room? Uggg! All my personal questions will not be answered. I know it. Whenever in school when I don't understand what they write on the board, I don't ever know what is says. When I ask the teacher, all my classmates laugh at me, it gets annoying. Real annoying. Erupting my thoughts was loud stomping coming from the locked off hallway. BEEP BEEP BEEP. Typing in a passcode.

"Roman Jameson! What's the matter in here!" The woman yelled. When she realized she was staring at the machine the man popped out of. She turned her head slightly. She saw us. We sat on the velvet couches. Mom and Dad were standing up. I wonder why. I also wonder if the questions I ask to my self are abnormally too much. Back to real life, Willow. The woman stared at us blankly.

"Jameson! I'm waiting!" She yelled sounding very bored. Then "Jameson" walked out of the analysing room.

"Oh sorry, Helena, I have to look back at the test results." Said Jameson.

"No excuses. Jameson, is this group the one that you want me to deal with?"

"Yup." He gulped.

"Jameson! This is Group 81! The group we've been looking for. Along with Group 78!"

"Sorry . . ." Jameson went back behind his machine.

"One more thing." She said in a gruff voice. "Page Link and October. We need them to escort them to they're rooms." Then she exited and locked the door.

"Well . . . I'll page th-em. You . . . guys better . . . get ready."

A/N: . . . Done analysing . . . Okay right now I feel obsessed with the word analysing. Even though I need Autocorrect to spell it . . . Oh yeah this is what I was analysing when I was waiting for you to finish the chapter:

What are you obsessing over right now?

The word analysing, and . .  . Oh yeah! The Kane Chronicles.

Also I have something left over from research.

How many analysing's are there? Answer posted every three chapters!

One more thing.



SADIE: The Kane Chronicles?

CARTER: That's what Rick called our recording trilogy.


UNCLE RICK: *Appears in a puff of glitter* Who said my name? And why am I uncle Rick?

IMOCKINGJEY: Because I wanted you that way.

LEO: iMOCKINGJEY doesn't say because. Probably a clone.


IMOCKINGJEY: There you are! *tackles iMOCKINGJEY* This is the one who is always messing everything up. I think. *looks at neck* Yup yellow. I'm gonna unclone you!

iMOCKINGJEY: *Runs away*

SADIE AND CARTER: How did . . . what the . . . I can't . . .

IMOCKINGJEY: *Puts fingers over mouths.* Shhh, there are kids reading this. Also Uncle Rick disapproves. You don't him do you?

UNCLE RICK: Change my name back now.

IMOCKINGJEY: This is my book not yours Rick. Therefore you amazing authors powers don't work.

LEO: Team Leo par-tay! Daniels comment here to be in team Leo!

PERCY: Comment here for team Percy party! (Don't tell Annabeth!)

IMOCKINGJEY: Answer the questions an we vote and comment! Team iMOCKINGJEY HERE!


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