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There will be little scenarios after my rant, BUT FIRST OFF:
IM A LITTLE ANGRY BUT I ALSO ADMIT I WAS kind of stupid at the same time but IM STILL ANGRY and you'll understand why in a second.

So me, being the person I am, was like "well I could work on my next fic... or I could make an animatic for the one I just finished!" So I decided to make an animatic.

Now obviously this was going to be a very long process, with story boarding, physically drawing out the entire thing, and editing it to the song, etc. But I was dedicated. With what took ~27 hours of pure digital drawing (not including the part where I roughly sketched this all out on paper), I was finally done with the 70 pictures I would use for my animatic. Now I worked through a few problems of my editing software being fine with any song BUT the one I wanted, and almost having everything shut down on me, but whatever.

And lo and behold, after two to three weeks of drawing and editing and hard work, I finally get it complete! A miracle! Nothing went wrong!

And so I export the entire thing and it takes crazy long because I'd edited it all on my old cracked tablet (apparently the song didn't work for the exact same app on different devices??? I don't know anymore), and I had to save all my hard work at a very low quality, but somehow I'm able to export it to photos!

Exporting it messed the video up in so many ways... but I'm done. My eyes feel dead and everything is far from perfect and the way I want it to be, but it's finished. I just finished an animatic on my fic, so I decide to share it with you all on Wattpad.

Everything should be perfect, right?


apparently you can put photos on Wattpad, and videos from YouTube, but you can't put your own videos from your photo library. For whatever reason, you just can't.

Which means I worked on this whole thing for hours on end, spent weeks on this project, got through all the tech problems and the frustrations to make this animatic, all for NOTHING BECAUSE I CANT SHOW IT TO ANYBODY NOW.

I just... at this point I'm not even angry anymore. I'll kick my stupid butt for not checking beforehand.

Maybe Wattpad is punishing me for everything I did to Rein, I don't know.

Thank you for listening to my rant. Check out the art I made with the lyrics of the song in four parts in my art book (Nekoturtle's art book). It's about Phinks and a song that's totally not about love.

And now here's a little collection of small scenarios.

(If you haven't read the book I advise you stop here because you literally won't understand or feel any joy from what's happening)

*This was written casually and mostly as a joke.*

First Date
*Machi arrives at Lucky's place, where they agreed they would be meeting up*
Lucky, running around frantically: IM SORRY THE PORCH IS ON FIRE JUST GIVE ME A SEC
Machi: ok

First kiss (cuz why not)
Lucky: *leans in, pauses*
Lucky: I'm sorry, I should've probably asked first whether you wanted to kiss but so uh do you want...?
Machi: ok
Lucky: *leans in, pauses*
Lucky: look if a bird suddenly attacks to ruin the moment, see, I, uh...
Machi: ok
Lucky: *leans in*
Lucky: *pauses* so like um I had lemon flavored chicken earlier and if that bothers you we can schedule another time for this just tell me when you're free-
Machi: no
Lucky: what
*Machi kisses him*

Proposal (lol)
Lucky: Will you marry me?
Machi: ok
Lucky: ...wait what
Machi: ok
Lucky: are you sure? This is a very important topic, you don't have to agree-
Machi: I said ok

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