63. A Hundred Times Over

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"And that's all!" Shalnark summarized, finishing up with marking the map of the quickest route there. "There are a lot of things left unaccounted for in the forest on the way there, but this is roughly the best path, just judging from the sources we have."

"Thanks, Shal." Rein slipped out her phone and quickly snapped a photo of the completed map. She'd figured out how to access her camera, as it was essential just in case they lost the map and she would have to start back at square one. Then during her retries she could have the map in advance, and they would have the upper hand. She had it all planned out, and she would succeed in the end, she would, she promised she would.

"Wait, that's..." Shalnark's eyes widened at the sight of the jewel-studded case and checked the inside of his bag. "That's weird, I thought I put it in here-"

"Already took it," she said, and lightly waved it about in all its sparkling glory. "It's mine, right?"

"Yup," he replied, and finally looked her up and down. She was clean and her hair was still lightly damp from a shower, but all that did was put her injuries out in the open, fresh scratches and scrapes bare. Though she seemed to be acting her normal self in speech, there was nothing behind her eyes. "Have you been... alright, lately?"

It took her moments too long to respond. She pursed her lips and nodded.

Shal's head tipped to the side, questioning.

"Look, Shal." It was only a small attempt to draw the conversation elsewhere, but she showed him the photo she'd just taken. "I can use tech."

"I guess the sparkly case worked in piquing your interest?"

She shrugged.

He reached out and ruffled her hair, pushing down and tangling it all up. It was peculiar when she did nothing in retaliation. Still, he had to leave for Meteor City. He had business there, and the path he would take wouldn't be pleasant in fading light. Shalnark would leave no matter what, and though her behavior was odd, he didn't believe it was anything to fret over.

Rein's feelings were surprisingly similar.

When his features expressed both surprise and a bit of pride, Rein found it in herself to lighten up. Not a smile—she wasn't nearly as close to happiness—but something that almost made her forget just how dire of a situation she was in. There was a normalcy about her that should've scared her, but it didn't. The feeling carried her away on wings of deluded drunkenness, a flight that would soon send her crashing back to reality.

* * *

Her heartbeat started to race as they edged closer to where the map had indicated Lucky would be.

She'd come this same route before, but it was only when she drew closer to the site of blood and sorrow that the scenery came back to her. Peculiar red moss hanging from that tree there, and a clump of grass there, a narrow walkway here; She was starting to remember, and though it hurt, though she'd told herself over and over she couldn't possibly do anything this round, Rein found her legs pumping faster in a blind hope.

Rein crashed headfirst into a slim figure. Her gaze snapped up, eyes wide, but she didn't dare react until she dropped to the ground and made sure he had too. When it was silent for a few seconds, a sudden thrill rushed through her as she said, "Lucky."

Lucky, lying face down on the dirt next to her, tilted his head. He was bleeding from a cut on his cheek, and his jacket was dirtied and limp, but he managed to pull a smile like he always did as he responded, "Hey, Red."

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