
"Move up," someone said from behind Louis's back. He turned to see a tall guy with scruffy ebony hair and sharp cheekbones looking pointedly at the wide gap of empty space up in front of him.

"Oh, right," Louis said, a bit flustered under this man's sharp gaze. He wiped his forehead with the back of his sweatshirt sleeve and hastily moved forward, almost tripping on his shoelaces in the process.

God Louis, get it together, he thought, feeling the piercing gaze of the man behind him burn into the back of his neck. Here Louis was alone (because his best friend Liam had got stuck in traffic on the way up here) in line to enter the worldwide known amusement park Magic Mountain with his stupid red sweatshirt that read Trader Joes on the back (given to him by his best friend Stan as a joke) in bright white letters for the male model that stood behind him to see.


What a lovely start to his day. The point of coming to this theme park was to release the stress that he and Liam's overbearing professor had given them for the past three weeks leading up to their cumulative midterm. Having taken it yesterday and not knowing what the results would be until next week, the two of them had decided the best means of distraction were rollercoasters. Specifically, the absolutely insane rollercoasters that would spin them upside down so many times they'd forget all about René Descartes and his philosophical theories.

He pulled out his phone and clicked on Liam's contact.

Louis: I was just told by a freaking male model to move forward in line. Hurry your ass over here I'm sweating my face off with embarrassment.

Liam responded quickly.

Payno: Parking now. Got held up by a family of ducks that got into the parking lot. Security was called and everything!

Louis: How interesting...but I don't care. How dare you leave me all by my lonesome to embarrass myself in front of a male model.

Payno: Chill out, you'll probably never see his pretty face again.

Louis: Watch my luck, he'll be in my next semester of English.

Payno: Does he even go to CSUN?

Louis: I don't know but he's about our age and I wouldn't be surprised. The universe hates me.

Payno: Plsss you're so dramatic.

A pause.

Payno: Ok, the ducks were taken care of, I'll be there in a couple of minutes. Good luck with Mr. Model.

Louis slipped his phone back into his pocket and stole a glance back at the man. He was now accompanied by a friend, and oh—

Apparently, the line to get into Magic Mountain was the place to meet male models because model number one had a friend who was just as attractive as he was, maybe more (which Louis didn't think was possible.) He was tall, taller than the first guy who already towered over Louis, and a mop of brown curls hung down near his ears. His jawline was sharp, his eyes a piercing shade of green and his lips so pink, one might think he was wearing lipstick.

"Just my luck," Louis muttered to himself. "Here I am by myself, dressed like a Trader Joes worker and waiting in line for an amusement park that pays people to walk around in ginormous Bugs Bunny costumes."

"What's wrong with that?"

Louis flinched and turned around again. Dark hair model dude was typing on his phone, so his eyes moved to his friend, the one with the curly hair.

"Excuse me?" he asked, unsure if the boy was really speaking to him.

"I asked what's wrong with people walking around in Bugs Bunny costumes?"

It took a moment for Louis to remember how to form words, "Um, nothing. I-I just you know um, prefer Tweety Bird."

What the fuck Louis? He wanted to disappear.

Though to his surprise, the boy laughed. A deep belly, warm makes-you-want-to-laugh-as-well laugh and he ran his long fingers through his hair, "I'd have to agree, I like Tweety Bird better than Bugs Bunny as well."

Louis was (again) at a loss for words, "A-Are you still talking to...me?"

The boy looked around, pointedly, "Seeing there's no one else around here talking about Looney Tunes characters, I should hope so."

Louis couldn't hold back a smile, "Uh yeah, of course."

They stared at one another for what felt like a minute or an hour, Louis couldn't tell, when they were unfortunately interrupted.


Louis saw Liam jogging like an idiot through the crowd of families and hurried to get in line next to his friend, "Sorry that took forever," he said in a whisper, his nose brushing Louis's ear. "That family of ducks just didn't want to move."

"'S fine you dork," Louis said, reaching up to lightly twist Liam's ear. "You're here now, aren't you?"

"Say, we're almost at the front," Liam noticed, and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Thanks to me."

They bicker for the rest of the wait and finally reach the front of the line.

"Tickets?" the lady asks at the booth.

"We have season passes," Liam said, and he held out their cards.

"Are you all together?" she asked, waving her hand.

Louis frowned and looked at where she was pointing.

Of course.

Ever since Liam had arrived, he'd completely forgotten his conversation with the cute boy (did he say cute? He meant cool) about Tweety Bird and whatnot. He glanced back at him now and the boy's eyes seemed to sparkle at the eye contact.

God, he was cute—cool.

"Um, no we aren't together," Liam said quickly, apologetically waving at model boy and his cute friend.

"You sure?" the lady asked, "Free lunch passes are included if you're in a group of four and up."

"Are you supposed to give out that kind of information?" Louis couldn't help asking. "I mean, people could take advantage of that policy, like then anyone could say they're in a group—"

"Yeah, we're all together," Model boy cut him off, giving the lady two season passes as well and smiling at Liam. "I mean who can turn down a free lunch?" he turned to his friend, "and if Niall is joining us later, he'll definitely appreciate it."

Liam's smile seems plastered on as he watched the lady finish the transaction, "You're all set, security is ahead, rules are posted on the wall, and have a great day at the home of Southern California's most thrilling rollercoasters!"

The four of them walk in a group towards security and just as they're about to get into the new line, the boy's hand brushed up against Louis's, making his face warmer than it already was.


I'm back!!! This story is complete so NO waiting for updates! Can we hear a cheer for me and my speedy typing fingers? Yes, thank you. My plan is to update every day so you all can't just binge read...like GO DO THAT HOMEWORK! 

Fun fact, this ff is based on a coca-cola commercial I watched in line while at Magic Mountain years ago. There were two people waiting in line and the ticket man was like "Are you guys together?" (they weren't) but they looked at each other and were like "Sure." 

So then they spent the day at Magic Mountain together and they fell in love and drank coca-cola. Yeah... maybe I'll try to find it for you guys because it stuck with me and I was like, "Damn, I want that to happen to me." It hasn't yet but I can still dream.

Lil shout-out to my bestie @Ugghdgh for prereading it for me <<33

All the luv, Minzey 

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