
"Where to first?" Niall asked once they finished their group photo.

"I don't care," Louis said, "Just make it go upside down."

He let the three of them discuss their first ride while he turned to see where Harry went.

There he was: head tilted up to the sky and watching a coaster chug slowly up the tracks. He looked so beautiful, it caught Louis off guard. His curls fell in messy waves and his skin literally glowed.

"That one looks cool huh?" Louis said, walking up to him. He felt a fluttery feeling in his middle which made his voice a bit shaky.

"Yeah, that one's Goliath," Harry said as if Louis didn't know. It was fine though, Louis liked seeing his eyes brighten as he looked out at the coaster which was now twisting its way through the park. "It was the first big rollercoaster I rode here. Niall and Liam had to practically drag me on."

"Goliath was your first?" Louis felt a bit stupid now. He'd slowly worked his way up to riding the crazy coaster by starting with the baby ones.

"Gold Rusher is fun too," Harry said after Louis told him that and he saw Harry relax.

He was so cute.

Louis's mind went a bit foggy as he stood there and talked with Harry. Conversation was easy and he liked that he could make him laugh. His laugh was the best.

"Hey, you two, are you coming or what?"

Zayn and the others had walked a bit away from the two of them and were staring pointedly at them, Liam wearing a smirk that Louis knew too well.

"Revolution," Liam said, "We're going on that one first."

"I call riding with Payno," Louis said, jumping onto his friend's back.

More like I need to kill him, he thought.

"Liam, I swear to God. Stop giving me that look," Louis whispered into Liam's ear as he carried him to the line waiting for Revolution.

"You and Harry, take your shot," he whispered back.

Take your shot.

Could he do that? Should he? While Liam and Zayn talked Louis played with the idea in his head. He'd always wanted to come to Magic Mountain on a date. Harry was amazing, single he didn't know yet, but amazing all the same. They had the day together which gave them a reason to talk. Maybe they could sit with each other during the ride, that would for sure start conversation.

Louis looked at Harry now who was bickering with Niall about...T-shirt? He was lost in the conversation until he heard Niall say, "At least I don't dress like a Trader Joes worker."

"Hey, I find that extremely offensive," Louis said, pretending to pout.

Niall looked confused, so Liam turned so Louis could show off his Trader Joes sweatshirt.

What Louis learned next is that Niall was one of those people who laughed in all caps. There's no other way to explain it. Niall had the most infectious laugh Louis had ever heard and pretty soon the group of them were all laughing with him.

"You and Harry are perfect for each other," he said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.


"What?" he asked, all puppy-dog eyes, "I'm just pointing out the obvious. So do you work there or something?"

Louis stole a quick glance at Harry (who was blushing) before answering, "My friend Stand gave it to me as a joke," he said, "But I like the sweatshirt, 's comfy."

But his mind was too busy compiling the comments that Niall had made over the first thirty minutes they'd all been together.

"I've heard so much about that fantastic ass—"

"They're so gone."

"You and Harry are perfect for each other."

The way he kept implying they liked each other (which on his end he could confidently say Niall was right) but did that mean...did that mean Harry liked him? Hadn't they just met? Why did it sound like Niall and Harry often talked about him...what the fuck was Louis missing?

Louis followed Liam onto the platform and then (before he could talk himself out of it) he whispered, "Can you say you wanted to sit with Zayn so I can sit with Harry?"

Liam smirked and Louis hated him for it, "Suuureee," Liam said, "But Zayn's hot so it's a win win."

Please let this not be weird, please let this not be weird, Louis chanted to himself before getting up and launching into his despicable explanation as to why he needed to sit with Harry.

"...And well, I need to be in the front car or else I get freaked out I might get hit during the ride, silly I know."

God this sounded awful.

Although lucky for him, Niall took the bait, "Oh sure dude," he said, getting up to switch.

Louis slid into the seat next to Harry and he felt the butterflies start to take flight, "Hey again," he said, somewhat timidly. Maybe he was coming off too strong, too strange.

"Hi," Harry said, and Louis saw the pink creep into his cheeks.

"Crazy rides next," Louis said, trying to keep up the conversation.

It worked.

"X2?" Harry asked as if challenging Louis.

"Tatsu," Louis said, and Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Alright, it's a date."

A what—?

Louis saw Harry become flustered as he started backtracking, "I-I mean, yeah, let's go on that one...together. Or not together, it doesn't matter."

He was adorable.

"No, together is good," Louis said, trying to calm the poor boy down. At least the feelings were...mutual? Louis continued, "Let's go on it together, it's a date."

Take your shot.

It took everything in him not to reach out and place his hand over Harry's whose knuckles were turning white as he gripped the handlebars, and not from nerves, seeing he'd just proposed to go on the park's most intense coaster with him later.

Fuck it, Louis thought and just as the ride jerked forward, he placed his hand over Harry's.


And now you know why Harry was done for ;)

these a/n's are short because I am drowning in homework right now but I'll make them my typical length once I'm all caught uppp!

All the luv, Minzey ♡

(also if you're reading this... pls pls pls do not be a silent reader! I love to hear you all in the comments 🥺👉👈)

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