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With the time they had, they could squeeze in three rides on the carousel.

First round Louis rode next to Liam who grilled him about his about the exceptionally long walk to the parking lot with Harry to which Louis flipped him off multiple times, making sure to cover his hand so the little kids around them couldn't see.

Second round he rose next to Zayn and the two of them pretended to race one another as the carousel spun and the lights above them danced. He knew the two of them looked extremely silly but what can he say, they seemed to be children at heart.

Third (and last) round he sat down next to Harry on one of the benches that were placed on the carousel. It was white with cushioned seats and the carved wood on the back made you feel like you were sitting on a throne.

The carnival music started up the platform began to go round as Harry cuddled into Louis's side, hiding his face from the chilly air.

"Today was perfect," he whispered, "Thank you."

"You're not really thanking me are you?" Louis asked, shaking his head, "If anything I should be the one thanking you. This was possibly the best day of my life."

"'M still thanking you," Harry said and nuzzled Louis's neck.

They sat in silence for a couple minutes and Louis's found his gaze wandering to the ornate woodwork of ride. It was painted with pastel shades of purple and yellow and lined with gold. It was an odd combination, but it worked.

He was about to point out to Harry the little angel baby carved into the interior when Harry spoke

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He was about to point out to Harry the little angel baby carved into the interior when Harry spoke.

"Science class."

"What?" Louis asked, confused. Maybe Harry had fallen drifted off and was talking in his sleep.

Harry sat up (confirming he was definitely not asleep) and caught Louis's eye, "Science class, two years," he said. "That's where I know you from."

Louis frowned, that can't be right. Louis would have seen Harry...then again he often fell asleep during lectures so...

"A-Are you sure?" Louis asked, still processing the information.

"Yep," Harry said, "First bio, then chem. We've had the same science lass for two years."

"That can't be," Louis said, "I would have seen you; I know I would've."

"To be fair you sleep for the better half of that class," Harry said, his lips curling up in a smile and confirming that he was in fact, not lying.

"Two years," Louis said, "So you've known me for two years." It was such a crazy (and infuriating) concept. (Infuriating that he'd slept through the countless times they could have met.)

"Liked," Harry whispered, "I-I've liked you for two years."

Louis stills, it was like a spark had just gone off somewhere in his middle and the heat was traveling through his limbs making his whole body feel like it was one fire.

"I'm sorry if that comes off as absolutely the creepiest thing you've ever heard in your life but it's true and when I saw you in line today I couldn't believe it because I've only ever seen you from five seats away," Harry stopped to catch his breath.

"And then we started hanging out and you were everything —and more— than I thought you to be so if you want me to go, I understand I know I'm being extremely invasive and a bit of a stalker but—"

This little adorable fucker, Louis thinks before softly placing his hand under Harry's chin and connecting their lips.

The lively music, the wooden horses, the flashing lights, the crowd of people that are all probably watching fade into the background as Louis pours everything he's got into that kiss. He controls his hands from roaming under Harry's shirt but that doesn't stop him from swiping his tongue against his lower lip and tasting the sweetness in his mouth.

"M so happy we met today," Louis breathed, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against Harry's, "And I'll never forgive myself for not staying awake long enough in that class so we could have met sooner."

"Sooner's better than later, right?" Harry asked, his breath hitching.

"Yeah it is babe, yeah it is." 


Guys, don't even let me explain how happy I was writing about my childhood home. Like I said it's been a rough couple of weeks so working on this definitely made it a bit better. If you all want...I'm up for writing an epilogue of the boys at MOD pizza afterward so lmk I guess if you'd like to see that. 

Thank you again for reading this short lil storyyy <333 Go check out the other stories on my pageee! they all super fluffy 😌🖐

that's all for now :))

All the luv, Minzey 

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