
Rollercoasters were the only thing that could get Harry's head to shut up. He'd discovered this when he went on Goliath years ago with Liam and Niall. When his feet were on the ground, Harry's head was processing things a mile a minute, thinking, overthinking, and then overthinking the overthought thoughts. It was exhausting, to say the least.

However, his mind went completely blank when he was on a rollercoaster. He could enjoy the blissful minutes of peace while his body was tossed and turned up in the air. It was peaceful to him, and sometimes he even closed his eyes to fully take in the full experience. It was a fool-proof method to get his brain to shut up, to give him a moment of silence away from his thoughts.

A foul-proof method before the likes of Louis Tomlinson came around and decided to hold his hand for the entire ride.

The ride was not the usual peaceful experience it usually was for him, instead, his heart was threatening to beat out of his chest as he felt Louis's hand squeeze once over his as the ride came to a stop.

What the fuck had just happened?

"Welcome back riders!" the man at the front shouts into the microphone but Harry barely heard him. He turned his head slowly to see Louis's face and his breath hitched.

His chestnut fringe was windswept now and his cheeks flushed pink as he looked down at their hands. "You good?" he asked, smiling a little.

Harry, say something!

"Yeah, really good."

They unbuckled themselves from the seat so the next group of people could get on and walked to the exit, eyes not leaving each other for a second.

Something had changed. Louis had made the first step to what Harry had been dreaming of for the past two years. Maybe this was it. This was his chance to live out that dream and make it a reality because...this was real.

"That was awesome!" Niall cried as they regrouped, Harry's legs feeling a bit wobbly Niall noticed, "Uh Harry, you good?"

"I-I'm fine," Harry said, his mouth felt dry, and Louis smirked.

"Just a bit shaken up I think," he said, taking Harry by the hand —by the hand— and walking after Liam and Zayn who were looking at a map and pointing in different directions.

"Dude, I'm pretty sure Buccaneer is that way," Liam said to a very confused-looking Zayn. He had the map upside down and was tracing his finger along a path that led up a hill.

"I've been to this park more times than I can count, I'm pretty sure it's that way," Zayn said, pointing to a trolly that takes the rider up the exact same hill Liam was pointing at.

"God they're stupid," Louis whispered, and Harry giggled.

"Um, Zayn," he said, "It's the same hill."

Liam and Zayn looked up, and then back at the map.

"We're idiots," Liam said finally, and Harry could hear Niall's laugh as he watched the realization play out on their faces.

"You can say that again."

"So, do we want to walk or take the trolley?"

"Trolley," Zayn, Liam, and Niall said just as he and Louis said, "Walk."

"Well that's perfect because Louis and I want to go on Tatsu and that's on the way up," Harry said, looking shyly at Louis who nodded.

"We'll go on that and meet you guys after you all go on Buccaneer."

Liam gave him a look, quite similar to the one Zayn and Niall were giving Harry.

At least they were a supportive group.

"Alright, we'll see you up there," Niall said and dragged Liam and Zayn towards the trolley, "Let's go, our company is obviously unwanted here."


Getting to the good part  :)) and update wise, I'm all caught up, yay! 

Here's a "Harry Styles Approved Joke" for you before I go...

What will Bob the builder be called when he retires??


hahahah get it...

Alright luvs I'll be off now *waves awkwardly

All the luv, Minzey 

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