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I could die a happy man, Harry thought after his heartbeat slowed and his eye were no longer seeing stars. Louis's breathing had eased too, and Harry could feel his chest rising and falling with every slow breath.

"We should probably get back to the guys," Louis said but his voice implied that was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Yeah, twenty minutes to fetch a water bottle might be a bit suspicious."

"Get sushi with me tomorrow?" Louis asked, sitting up and running his fingers through his thin hair in an attempt to flatten it.

Harry smiled, "Y-Yeah, I'd like that...a lot."

It took them another five minutes and a lot of hysterical giggling as they tried to put themselves back together in the tight back seat. (Not to mention putting on their jeans, which were still damp from the water ride, was turning out to be a severe pain in the ass.)

Once situated, Harry didn't give it a second thought and easily laced his fingers with Louis's because...he could do that now.


"Look what the cat dragged in," Niall tutted when they met their friends in front of the many colorful game stands. "Last time I checked, grabbing a water bottle took under twenty-five minutes."

Harry made a mental note to kill Niall later.

"We took the scenic route to the parking lot," Louis said lightly then turned away from Niall. "Ah Liam, you won a llama?"

"Zayn won it for me," Liam blushed, and Louis smirked.

Love is in the air, Harry decided then froze. Did he say love? He meant...like. Like was in the air. Oh, thank god no one could hear his thoughts.

The sun was setting beautifully, and the chilly air was settling in as people scurried left and right, trying to make it on their last night before the park closed.

"So..." Zayn started, looking from him to Niall, "Harry, Niall, and I have this thing where we always ride the carousel for our last ride," he started, and Harry and Niall nodded solemnly. It had been a long-standing tradition ever since they'd started making almost weekly visits to the park.

"Are you suggesting we ride wooden horses as our last ride?" Liam asked and Zayn nodded.

"We always do, so if you and Louis wouldn't mind..."

"Sounds good to me," Louis said, and Liam nodded, "Unlike you guys, Liam and I live a very tradition-less life."

"That's not true," Liam said, "We always go to MOD Pizza afterward."

Louis looked amused, "Say we do, I guess we do have traditions. We're not boring!"

"So, carousel fist, MOD pizza second?" Zayn asked which earned him four head nods.

"To the wooden horses we go!" Niall announced and led the way to the front of the park.

While they waited in the long line (apparently the carousel was a common last ride tradition) Zayn and Liam started exchanging socials while Niall and Louis struck up a game of Charlie Brown

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While they waited in the long line (apparently the carousel was a common last ride tradition) Zayn and Liam started exchanging socials while Niall and Louis struck up a game of Charlie Brown. Niall was the king of hand games whilst waiting in lines for rides and as the two of them battled it out, Harry smiled at the group of young children that had their eyes glued with interest at the two grown men playing a clapping game while in line for the carousel.

"Mister?" a young girl with long braided hair and smooth brown skin asked and they both looked up. She bit her lip shyly as she asked, "Can I play?"

"Of course!" Niall said and dropped Louis's hands. "Do you know it?"

She nodded eagerly while her mom came up behind her, "She's been watching the two of you," she said with a laugh.

"Perfect!" Niall said before kneeling down, so they were at eye level.

"Play with me?" Louis turned to Harry, a shy smile on his thin lips while Niall and the little girl started a game next to them.

"'Course I will," he said, "Who can say no to that face?"

"I went downtown to see Charlie Brown. He gave me a nickel and bought me a pickle. The pickle was sour, so he bought me a flower. The flower was dead, so this is what he said," they chanted, clapping their hands together to the beat.

More rounds of Charlie Brown ensued until they were at the front of the line.

"Thank you for playing with us," Louis said to the girl and her sister as the metal gate opened so they could mount their horses.

"Thank you for entertaining her," the mom said laughing. "It's refreshing to see grown men still playing these sorts of games. You'll all make great fathers one day."

It didn't happen on purpose but at the mention of being a father one day, he couldn't help but let his eyes find Louis's who was staring right back at him, bright blue and happy.

Ride Me Up // L.S.Where stories live. Discover now