
"Zayn look!" Harry muttered under his breath.

"What?" Zayn asked, raising his voice so Harry cringed and slapped his hand over his friend's mouth.

"Shut up and just look."

Zayn squinted, "Is that him? Are you sure?"

"I'd know Louis Tomlinson's ass anywhere," Harry said confidently.

He and Zayn were just about to get in line to enter the amusement park when Harry had stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes fixed on his long-time Biology turned Chemistry crush. He'd been in the same science class as Louis for the past two years. Two years, roughly 730 days, and over a thousand dropped pencils to catch a glimpse of him and his perfect cheekbones.

"Well this is perfect," Zayn said, taking Harry's hand and pulling him towards the line.

Right behind Louis.

Right behind the world's best ass more like it, Harry thought to himself.

"Now find a reason to talk to him—"

Harry slapped his hand over Zayn's mouth again, "He'll hear you!"

"Good, I've been hearing about this dude for two years!"

Zayn pulled out his phone to text Niall, while Harry unshamefully glued his eyes to Louis's back  —Louis's bum— then back up to his head. His hair was in its usual state of perfectly tousled and under his oversized red hoodie (that read TRADER JOES in thick white letters) peeked out the tanned skin of his neck and forearms. Harry had always seen Louis from a distance, (about five seats of distance) but now he was almost so close he could—

"Harry," Zayn said, "He's going to put a restraining order on you if you continue to stare at him like that." He pulled Harry back a few steps.

"Does he work at Trader Joes?" Harry asked in a hushed whisper. "How come I've never seen him? I always go to Trader Joes; I would have seen him—"

"Harry, calm down!"

"I can't, he's perfect."

"He's holding up the line, that's what he's doing," Zayn muttered. "Move up," he said in a clear voice and Louis turned around.

As a reflex, Harry spun on the spot, so his back was now facing the boy he'd been crushing on for two fucking years.

Way to go Harry.

He'd never exactly looked at Louis directly, (or spoken to him for that matter) but he'd been gone for that boy ever since the first day of freshman biology when the Louis had pranced in, all bright-eyed and pink cheeks, interrupting the class with his soft (almost husky) voice as he apologized to the professor for being late.

"Did he move?" Harry whispered to Zayn.

Zayn turned him around, his hands pressing firmly into Harry's shoulders. "Yes, and he looked like he was about to piss himself. I'm not that scary, am I?"

"No you're not," Harry assured his friend who turned back to his phone.

Harry fixed his gaze back on Louis's bright red sweatshirt when all of the sudden Louis turned, their eyes meeting for a split second when he quickly whipped his head back.

Harry's stomach flopped, his eyes.

So blue.

Though before Harry could process the split-second interaction, he heard Louis's voice, soft as ever.

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