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"So you guys go to CSUN too?" Louis asked as they empty their pockets into the line of plastic trays. He'd seen Model boy's and Curly's student ID cards displayed in their wallets.

Curly gave him a strange look and then it faded into what Louis thought looked like dejection? He didn't like seeing him so...upset? What had he said?

"Yeah," Model boy said, "Harry and I are both sophomores."


The name felt familiar, but he couldn't place where he'd heard it.

"Are you studying philosophy as well?" Louis asked.

Harry looked up, "No, graphic design," he said softly, all airs of confidence from the previous conversation gone and, in its place... bashfulness? Disappointment? Louis couldn't tell.

"I'm a sophomore as well and Louis's a junior," Liam said. "I'm Liam by the way."

Harry gave him a short nod while Zayn extended his hand to shake Liam's outstretched one, "And I'm Zayn," Model boy said.

God, even his name sounded like something you'd read on the cover of Vogue.

"So, you guys here just for fun?" Liam asked.

Louis closed his eyes; Liam's small talk skills would be the death of him. Of course, they were here for fun, that's what people usually come to theme parks for.

"Yeah, since we live close, we come down here like every other weekend," Zayn answered, gesturing from himself to Harry and then waving his hand like there was another person next to him. "Our other friend Niall is coming, he just stopped for a bite to eat."

"Oh, so are you guys are waiting here until he comes?" Liam asked, looking around the plaza-type area where people sat. It was in between security and the entrance to the park.

"Yeah, but you don't have to wait for us," Zayn said, and Louis watched as Harry clenched his jaw.

"What? No we'll wait I mean; we are a group."

"No it's no trouble," Harry spoke up and Louis turned to see him desperately waving his hands towards the entrance, "We don't want to interrupt your date."

Louis looked at Liam and Liam at Louis before they threw their heads back, laughing until they were both bent in half, hands on knees, before Liam pulled himself together long enough today, "We're not together!"

"H-Have you seen Liam and I bully each other?" Louis added, "No way, no way!"

Harry's shoulders relaxed and Zayn clapped him on the back, "Oh shit, this is embarrassing," he said, covering his face with his hands. Louis noticed his fingers were ornamented with a variety of chunky rings.

"No, don't be," Liam said and playfully nudged his shoulder, "I'm surprised Tommo and I looked domestic long enough for you to think otherwise."

"Yeah, we've been roommates for two years now and Payno here is nothing but the annoying douche who leaves his workout clothes around our apartment and drinks all the milk only to leave the empty carton in the fridge," Louis said, fondly punching Liam's arm.

"You'd get along with Zayn here then," Harry muttered, "Between him and Niall I feel like I'm babysitting half the time."

"Hey now," Zayn said, "You're our little baby so don't go saying you babysit us."

"How old are you?" Louis asked, watching the way Harry leaned into Zayn's touch like a child does his mom.

"Nineteen," Harry says, "Zayn's twenty, and Niall, who should be here by now, is my age."

Ride Me Up // L.S.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz