JULY, 2018

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"Happy, what are we doing here?" I smiled when he stopped the bike and waited for me to get off.

I stared at the circus in front of me, rides and lights everywhere to be seen, then glanced over my shoulder to watch him get off his bike.

He didn't smile or show any emotion, but hung our helmets on his handle bars and shrugged his shoulders. "You said that you wanted to go to the circus, so I brought you to the circus."

"But it's been sold out for months?" I questioned when he settled his hand on the small of my back and ushered me up to the metal gates that landed around my ribs. He'd driven to the back of the field, no where near the ticket booth or check in, and lifted me over it without a word. "Oh my god, Happy, are we breaking into the circus?"

Happy landed with a soft thud on the grass and reattached his hand to the small of my back, his fingers finding the loops of my jeans. "I'd rather say that we're sneaking in."

I laughed quietly as he walked us towards the large tent that had been set up where there show had already started, and made his way up the steps so that we were standing at the back.

The man who was sitting in the last row eyed us warily, but then landed on Happy's Kutte and he smartly kept his mouth shut and turned back to the show were they were doing acrobatic tricks, although I did notice how rigid his whole body was for the next hour .

Happy leant up against the railing and pulled me to him so that I had my back against his chest, then put his chin on the top of my head and held his hands around my front.

It was the first time that we'd broken the rules, he tended to treat me like I was glass that he needed to keep safe, but it was elating and I laughed again.

"Good surprise, baby?" He asked softly in my ear.

I held his hands and rubbed my thumb overtop of his bruised knuckles, wondering who he had gotten into a fight with for the purple and black colours to form. "The best. The best surprise."

We watched as the ponies came out and did tricks, the dances, the dogs that came out and showed how strictly they'd been trained to walk on their back feet and do circles.

Happy kissed my temple when I squealed as one of the performers pretended to fall in the middle of a dangerous stunt, his hands wrapped tighter around me to offer me comfort.

"Come on." He tugged on my hand lightly when the show had ended and the lights came on. "Let's go and get something to eat."

Happy and I ate hotdogs and chips while we wandered around the booths, playing games without tokens since the vendors took one glance at the leather on his chest and accepted us willingly. At first I took their willingness to let us in as fear for the outlaw, but after the first few I realised that that they didn't look at him like they were worried he would jump over the counter and beat them until they were bloody, it was more that they recognised a free soul and took them in as one of their own.

I'd always loved the circus because of the freedom that surrounded them, the fact that they could move from place to place and share their art with the world was dazzling to me, since I'd always felt trapped in a life that I hadn't chosen but had been forced into.

"You want a teddy bear?" He nodded towards a large bear that was on the top shelf, the hardest prize to get, and I laughed. I knew that he would get his wallet out and offer a copious amount of money to the teenager who was manning the ball-toss game, but there was no need.

I tugged on his hand and moved towards the next stand. "How about some fairyfloss, instead?"

He paid for the bag of blue and pink sugar, then led me over to one of the picnic tables that was over by the side of the chaos that made up the circus. Without thinking about it, he lifted me up to rest on the edge and stepped in between my legs so close that our chests were almost touching.

We'd been on multiple dates over the months that we'd been together, and had shared so many kisses that my lips were constantly bruised and swollen, but he'd never gone any further. He'd meant it when he said that we were waiting until I turned eighteen and, no matter how frustrated it left me, I admired him for him putting his foot down to ensure our well fare. It was nothing that my vibrator couldn't fix, anyway.

"He's old enough to be her father." I heard the snarky voice before the blonde lady walked into my vision, eying Happy and I with distaste. "It's disgusting."

Her husband mumbled agreement and I watched as Happy stiffened, their words hitting him hard.

I stuck my head around his side to return her glare with one of my own, but I made sure that mine was glacial, just like Happy had taught me. "And for someone who had me at sixteen, he did a good job. Go and mind your own damned business, you old hag!"

When her husband pulled her away and muttered about me being biker trash, I leant back into my rightful spot and offered my man a bite of fairy-floss that I still had in my fingertips. He licked the sugar away and flicked his eyes up to my own, holding so much sadness that it hurt my heart. "I'm sorry that people look at you differently for being with me."

I shoved him away so that I could put the empty plastic bag in the bin and shook my head. "I'm not. This is the first time in my life that I've been happy, and if people don't agree with it then they're idiots."

Happy didn't comment further but gripped my hand in his own and walked us back to his bike. I was disappointed that our night had to end on a sour note, but I made the most of the ride by molding my back against his own and leaning my head on the leather on his back.

Every time Happy and I rode, I felt this overwhelming sense of freedom, and I knew that I would never get enough of it. I would never get enough of him.

We Were Happy: A Happy Lowman Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن