JULY, 2018 PT.2

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I was grateful that I'd declined his offer to get me a teddybear, because I didn't want to share the space on his bike with anyone or anything else.

"Gotta run into the clubhouse for a second, baby." Happy called over the wind as he turned into the compound.

I nodded in understanding when he shut the bike off and got off, then held his hand out for me to follow him. I was excited to see the men inside since Happy had kept me away from Billy's and locked up in my house for the previous three days while we watched bad movies and ate too much junk food. He'd run back to the clubhouse twice to get clothes and a Church meeting, but apart from that he'd been glued to my side.

We got jokes about our age difference all the time, but nobody looked down on it, and I appreciated that. I appreciated somewhere that we could just be us without having to drive to the next town or look over our shoulder in case there were prying eyes that would tell my parents about our relationship.

When we stepped through the door into the smoke filled room, I glanced around at all of the men that had claimed me as part of their group and smiled at the disarray that was happening. There were the usual Crow Eaters, but so far nobody had any clothing missing, and that was unusual for ten o'clock on a Friday night.

I skimmed through the crowd until I locked eyes with Kozik and then up above his head.

Happy Birthday!

My neck snapped over to Happy, standing awkwardly beside me, and I smiled. "You threw me a birthday party?"

"Couldn't get any of your friends to come." He mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm so-"

"No, they're not my friends. These are my friends." I reassured him before I leant on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "This is the best thing I could think of doing for my last day of seventeen, thank you baby."

"Oh shut up with your sappy love and come do shots!" Kozik called from the bar, gesturing to the three glasses that he had ready to go with a bottle of Jameson behind them.

Never one to turn down shots, I tugged on Happy's kutte and made my way through the mass of people, stopping to thank all of them and return the hugs that Happy growled at. He was a Neanderthal and hated any hands on me, even if they belonged to the people he trusted most in the world.

Kozik wrapped me into a large hug when I finally reached him and shoved a shotglass into my hand. "Happy last day of being seventeen, Free Bird!"

Happy's nickname had caught on like wild fire, especially after Lee - the President - had walked in and gotten told about me turning up with a muffin box for Happy and had demanded to meet me. When I'd walked through the door with my back straight and my head held high, the President had taken one look at me and barked out a laugh that would have made baby's cry. He'd asked if he was joking, then realised that he wasn't, and swept me into a hug. "Welcome to the family, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Koz." I downed the shot and waved at Link, the prospect on duty. "Hi Link!"

"Happy birthday, Free Bird." He smiled at me before he refilled our glasses, but left the bottle on the bar in front of us. "Have a good night."

"You too!" I called to his retreating figure.

Happy wrapped his arm around my waist and nestled his head into my neck. "Got all of my brothers falling over you, little girl."

I scrunched my nose but took the cigarette out of Kozik's mouth and winked at him when he frowned at me. "Well, ain't it lucky that I've already fallen for you?"

"Sappy bullshit." Kozik muttered, but there was a smile gracing his lips when he forced us to take another shot.

"Ten seconds." Happy whispered into my ear.

I felt him smirk at the goosebumps he created and tore my eyes away from Kozik to look at him in confusion. "Until what?"

"Five." He answered. "Three."

"One." Happy slid his phone over to show me. "Happy birthday, sweetheart."

He didn't even give me a chance to smile or thank him before he dropped the phone on the floor and cupped my cheeks in both of his large pals. His kiss was completely claiming, earth shattering, knee weakening just like the first kiss we'd shared had been.

Happy didn't take his lips away from mine when he gripped my thighs underneath the barstool that I was seated on and picked me up, giving me no other choice but to to wrap my legs around his waist so that he could carry me out of the room, ignoring the hoots and hollers from the members that we'd left behind to enjoy my party without me.

He didn't move away from me as he walked and knew the pathway from the bar up to his dorm without having to look where he was going, like he'd done it a million times before with a different pair of lips attached to his neck.

Happy shut the door behind us and pushed me up against it. I was just about to rip his shirt from his chest when he put me down and took a step away from me.

He smirked at my flustered state, then jutted his head towards the desk and I glanced over at it. My whole world stopped spinning when I saw the gun on the table. "What?"

"Can't offer you much, Free Bird." Happy entwined our hands. "But that's all of me. The stencils drawn up and ready to go, it's just whether you are."

I looked away from the tattoo gun to look up at the man standing in front of me who looked the most nervous that I'd ever seen him. "You want me to get your Crow?"

I knew what getting his Crow meant.

It meant that I was officially an Old Lady.

It meant that Happy was claiming me as his own.

It was basically a marriage proposal in his life.

"I want you to get my Crow."

We Were Happy: A Happy Lowman FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now