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Jax grabbed me as soon as I stepped out of my car and pulled me into his arms for a long hug. "Hap told me the news, congratulations darlin'."

I returned his hug with vigour, but I'd noticed that underneath all that happiness he was sad, and it broke my heart. He was too good of a man to spend his life alone, too good of a man to be lonely, and the conversation on my back porch from months before didn't seem to have helped any.

Chibs and Tigs waved at me from the garage with large grins of congratulations. Kozik cupped his hands to his cheeks and yelled out. "First time wasn't enough, you want to have another one of the fucker?"

Happy smacked him harshly on the back of his head and I laughed when I looked away and back up to Jax who was still holding my waist. His hand had moved to cup my stomach without thinking about it, and I put my hand over his own. "You'll be their God Father, right?"

"You want me to be God Father?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

I laughed. "You're my best friend, Jax, of course I want you to be God Father. You're the only one I trust to take care of them if anything ever happens to Happy and I."

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes and nodded. "I'd be honoured, darlin'."

I looked around at the space that was still filled with his brothers who were more interested in paying attention to Harry and placing bets on whether the child growing in my stomach was a boy or girl.

He must have seen the look of contentment on my face because he drew me out of my thoughts when his hand rubbed over my stomach where a small bump was still yet to form and he pressed his lips to my temple. "Take care of my brothers really well, get Killa to settle down and have another kid. Perfect Old Lady."

I disentangled myself from him and smiled over my shoulder as I made my way towards the office. "Wait and see if he's still alive by the end of my pregnancy and we'll see how good of an Old Lady I am. He wouldn't even let me put wine in the sauce last night, no matter how much I told him the alcohol disappears when it cooks."

Jax just laughed and wished me luck, whether it was to not kill Happy or to survive his overbearing ways for the next seven months of my life, I wasn't sure.

Happy grunted when he appeared in front of me to help me up the three steps then opened the door for me. He took away my annoyed look over being treated like a child with a soft kiss before he leant through the doorway. "You want to go away for a few days soon? Have some family time before the baby comes?"

"Let's do it after they're born and we'll go on a road trip to Billy's?" I smirked. "Buying a tiara and all that."

His eyes lit up with amusement when he stroked down my cheek. "Find Greg and tell him that your man is on the way to kick his ass."

"It was Peter, Happy." I shook my head when I sat down on the chair and groaned in relief as the pressure was taken off my feet. Wearing heels while being pregnant was not a good idea, even though I was only two months along my body was already aching. I knew it was going to be a hard pregnancy, made worse by Happy staring over my shoulder and panicking at my every groan.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't matter what his name is. Never fucking did. Should probably send the prick a fruit basket to thank him for annoying you and making me step in. Wouldn't have met you otherwise."

I looked around him to wear Juice had taken Harry to play on the swings, willing myself to stand up and tell him to get back to work, but the happiness on our son's face was too good to break up the fun. "We were happy, weren't we?"

"We were." Happy confirmed, following my gaze to the swings. "But we're happier now."

My fingers traced over the life growing inside of my stomach as I watched our son playing with his self proclaimed favourite uncle and thought about all the havoc that would be caused when I let them all know it was a girl. I hadn't had a test to let me know either way, but I thought it would be funny to watch Happy sputter and plan deaths of future boyfriends before I admitted that it was too early to tell either way.

"Yeah, baby. We're happier now."

We Were Happy: A Happy Lowman FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now