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Happy's bike roared into the drive way at half-six just before I'd started to dish out dinner, and I gave my father a warning look before I walked outside to greet him.

He was standing on the porch just looking at the car out the front, face blank but I could see the anger and panic in his eyes. It didn't take a genius to know who would be inside with the flashy model sitting on the curb in Cordenia street.

"My parents are inside." I said dumbly to break the silence.

Happy looked over at me and at the door behind me that I'd pulled shut. "They know I'm back?"

"Yes, and daddy is going to be on his best behaviour." I did my best to put on a reassuring smile. "I'm just about to dish up dinner if you'd like to join us."

The torn look on his face let me know that he would rather get on his bike and ride as far away as quickly as possible, but he took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. "Okay."

He rested his hand on the small of my back after he'd done up the deadbolts and set the alarm, then walked into the dining room beside me.

My father glared at him, but my mother was smiling. "It's good to see you again, Happy."

"Good to see you again too, ma'am." He cleared his throat. "Glad that it's under better circumstances."

Like not walking in to find me screwing your daughter when you were meant to be overseas and she hadn't told you that we were together after I'd practically dated her for a year and tattooed my Crow on her ribs. He hadn't said it, but the words hung in the air.

"Daddy!" Harry came back from washing his hands and jumped at Happy.

His quick reflexes kicked in and he caught him easily, a large smile taking up the space on his face as he looked at our son. "Hey, buddy. Did you have a good day? Were you good for mama?"

Harry nodded. "Grandma and I played with my dolls and then we had sandwiches and I ates two."

"Two?" Happy pretended to gasp. "Wow, soon you're going to be taller than me if you keep eating so much."

"No daddy!" Harry laughed.

My father's face had softened slightly as he watched the playful moment between my Old Man and our son, but he still hadn't opened his mouth and his shoulders hadn't loosened any.

They didn't speak to each other until we were halfway through our meal, easy conversation between my mother and I, Happy and Harry.

"Jasmine tells me that you've gone legit."

Happy looked away from Harry who was rattling on about Uncle Juice promising him that he would install a slide to go with the swings at the compound and towards my father. "Yes, sir."

My father nodded his head. "They're safe?"

He didn't have to mention our names for us all to know he was talking about Harry and I, and I flicked my eyes back and forth between the two of them.

"I would die before I let anything happen to them, Rupert." I was the first time that Happy had ever called my father by his name, but I could see what he was doing. He was speaking to him man-to-man rather than as the man who'd gotten his daughter pregnant at eighteen and had left her behind.

"You hurt either of them and I'll kill you." My father's threat was nil and void, we all knew that Happy could snap his neck with a click of his fingers and not bat an eyelid, but Happy took the threat with a nod.

"If I hurt either of them I'll give you the gun."


"We're staying at the hotel in the next town over." My mother smiled sweetly at me. "If it's alright with you, we'll come back and visit tomorrow before we're due to leave."

I kissed her cheek and confirmed that I'd love to see them before they left, then timidly hugged my father who was still tenser than a sinner in church.

Happy joined me to say goodbye at the door and held his hand out towards my father, his way of extending an olive branch that he didn't think would be taken.

My father looked at his hand for a second too long like he didn't know what he was supposed to do before he took his hand and shook it, veins popping out of his skin while he used his strength to make a statement.

"We'll see you tomorrow." My mother playfully rolled her eyes and ushered her husband away.

I leant back into Happy's chest as his arms wrapped around me and I watched them get to the car before my mother looked over her shoulder at us.

She put her purse inside then turned on her heel and walked back up to join us, and I wondered what she'd forgotten in the car. She shocked me by not sparing me a glance and looking at Happy, instead. "I hope you excuse Rupert's rudeness, he left his manners back in Tennessee before he packed us all up and we moved to Tacoma."

Happy nodded. "I understand he's just trying to look out for Free Bird, ma'am. I can't blame him for that."

She touched his cheek softly. "Just so you know, I was always rooting for you."

We Were Happy: A Happy Lowman FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now