Part 7

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"Dean, it'll be okay," Sam said more confidently than he felt.  They were in the Impala, driving back to the bunker.  "We're going to find him."  Dean didn't seem in any condition to drive so Sam was at the wheel.  "We always do."

Dean just stared out of the window, the angel's blade and trench coat on his lap. Anger, fear, confusion, regret, it seemed every emotion was washing over him right now.  He couldn't speak, couldn't think, couldn't move.  "It's my fault," he said eventually. 

"What?" Sam said.  "Come on, Dean, don't do this to yourself.  This was not your fault."

"I never should have left him alone," Dean said, wiping another tear from his cheek.

"Dean, stop," Sam said sternly.  "You had no way of knowing this would happen, and you know that.  For all we know he's back at the bunker or got called away on some holy angel mission."

"And he left these behind, covered in blood?" Dean asked incredulously, holding up the blade and trench coat.  "He's not answering his phone, or my prayers, Sam.  No, someone took him.  And we're going to find out who."

Sam nodded.  He knew Dean was right.  He just didn't want to admit it for his brother's sake.  "Dean, I know this may not be the best time, but what about Mom and Jack?  I mean, they're still over there in the Apocalypse world and they need our help too.  They could be in just as much danger as Cas, if not more."

"Cas comes first," Dean stated simply.  "We're gonna need all the help we can get when we get over there anyway.  We need him." I need him, he thought.  Cas, if you can hear this please hang on, wherever you are, he prayed.  We're going to find your feathery ass and bring it home. 


"Seriously boys?" Rowena said, standing in the bunker with Sam and Dean.  "Am I the only person you can call when you're in trouble?  I do have a life of my own, you know."

"Rowena, please," Sam pleaded.  "I know we've been asking a lot of you lately but this is Cas.  We need to find him.  We'll owe you big, okay?  I promise."  It had been a while now since they'd arrived home and neither of them had slept.  They had tried everything they could think of to find Cas on their own, but hadn't gotten anywhere.  The only thing they were fairly certain of was that it had been angels who had taken Cas, since they would have been the only ones with the mojo to do it.  But why they would take him or hurt him they didn't know.  "We tried reaching out to Gabriel and he's MIA.  We don't have anyone else and we still have to get Mom and Jack back."

"All right, all right," Rowena said.  "You needn't beg.  I do have a certain fondness for the angel."  

Dean eyed her.  

"Don't worry, grumpy, I know he's yours," she said with a smile.  Dean blushed and looked down.  

"Let's see what we can do with a location spell," Rowena said.  She pulled some materials out of her bag and set them on the table.  "Do you have anything of his?" she asked.  Dean handed her Cas's trench coat and she saw the anxt in his eyes.  "This will work," she assured him.  "I'm very good at what I do."

Dean nodded and let out a deep breath.  Rowena mixed some things together, sprinkled the mixture on the trench coat and mumbled a spell.  She tilted her head up and her eyes went completely white. Several seconds later her eyes returned to normal and she exhaled deeply, looking down, a hand on her chest.  

"Well," Dean asked earnestly.  "Did you find him?  Where is he?  Is he alive?" He hands were on Rowena's arm, helping her stay steady.  

"Aye," she nodded, still catching her breath.  "He's alive."

Dean's heart leapt.

"Oh, thank God," Sam said in relief.  

"But he doesn't look good, boys," Rowena said, looking from one brother to the other, sadness in her voice.  

"Who has him?" Dean said desperately.  "Where is he?"

"It's angels.  Several of them, in fact," she said, confirming their suspicion.  "They're at a warehouse.  But driving there, it would take too much time.  More time than he has, I'm afraid."  There was genuine concern in her voice.

"Great!" Dean said, throwing his hands up in the air and then running them through his hair.   He picked up a lamp on a nearby table and threw it against the wall.  "Damn it!" he yelled. 

"Even if you could get to him sooner, how are you going to take on multiple angels?" Rowena asked.

Dean sunk into a chair, head in his hands.  "I don't know," he said, sounding defeated.  "Without Gabriel, we can't." Cas, if you die . . . again, I'm gonna kill you.

Gabriel, please, please, we need your help, Sam pleaded.

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