Part 30

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Castiel gritted his teeth, holding his angel blade against another angel's neck. He had the female vessel backed up against the wall, her blade on the floor, several feet away. There were three more angels already dead, around them. Castiel had killed them all.  

"Where is he?" Castiel growled at the angel, a fierceness and strength in his voice that hadn't been there in a long time.  "Where is my husband?" He said slowly, tightening his grip on her neck, and she gasped for breath.

"So brave of you, Castiel," he heard from behind him, and turned to see Lucifer from across the room. He heard the flap of wings and the female angel was gone. "I'm so glad you came."

"Lucifer," Castiel said, his jaw clenched. "I knew you were behind this."  He didn't know if it was bravery or stupidity but he stepped closer to the Archangel. "You killed Gabriel," he said, malice in his voice. "And now your coming after Dean and me.  Why?"

"Well, I killed Gabriel cuz he was a dick," Lucifer said. "And Dean, well, he and Sam left me trapped in the Apocalypse world and kept me from my son, so I have a few minor issues with them."  He stepped closer to Castiel now, and was surprised when the angel didn't even flinch. "And you, Castiel, hurting you is just for fun.  That's why I brought Uriah back.  Just to give you a little trip down memory lane.  And waiting until you and Dean were married- you have to admit that was pretty ingenious.   I mean, waiting until you had everything you've ever wanted, and then taking it away.  Now I just call that poetic. And I'm a sucker for poetry."

And then, before Castiel could react, Lucifer's hands were on his head and he was falling to the floor, screaming in pain.


"No offense, guys, but this is kind of a lame ass capture," Dean said from the chair he was handcuffed to.  There were half a dozen angels in the room with him, including Uriah.  They'd had him for several hours now, and other than the initial beating he'd gotten when they had first taken him from the hotel room, they hadn't laid a hand on him.  Dean was actually starting to get a little nervous but this was his way of dealing.  "Aren't you going to at least try to hurt me?" he asked smugly.

Uriah stepped closer to him and knelt down, taking Deans chin into his hand. "You talk a big game, Winchester," he said. "But we aren't' going to hurt you." He stood up and motioned towards the doorway. "He is," he said.

Dean's eyes went wide when he saw Castiel enter the room. He looked fierce.  His eyes were red, leaking blood, and he was salivating. "Cas?" Dean said, panic in his voice at the sight of his husband. "What did they do to you?"

Castiel approached Dean. He broke the handcuffs and pulled the hunter to his feet, but as soon as Dean was standing, Castiel punched him, hard, in the face. He hit the hunter again, and again.

"Cas," Dean cried, crumpling to his knees, putting his hands in front of him to block the next punch. "Cas, it's me," he said. The angel stopped hitting him for a moment, tilting his head, looking at him.  And for a second Dean thought he had broken through to his husband.

"I never loved you," Castiel snarled, and hit the hunter again. This time Dean fell onto his side.

"Cas, please," he pleaded. His eye was swollen, his jaw was broken, and he had blood seeping from his mouth and nose. "I know this isn't you." The angel hit him again.  Each punch felt like a hammer to his face.  "Cas," he said, looking back up at him. "Cas, I know you're in there."  His head was spinning and he could barely see but he couldn't give up.  He felt Cas gripping his jacket and he grabbed onto the angel's shoulder. "Fight this, Cas," he pleaded weakly. "This is what they want.   They want you to kill me.  You have to fight.  You're strong, Cas.  You're strong.  You can beat this."  The angel hit him again, but it was weaker this time. "I love you," he said, using all of his strength to grip his husband's shoulder tighter. "Cas, I love you so much."

Dean felt Castiel's grip on his jacket loosen and then he heard the angel's voice saying his name. He felt his husband's fingers on his forehead, and suddenly all of his pain was gone.

"Cas!" Dean shouted as the hoard of angel's in the room descended upon them, clearly furious that their plan had not worked.

But as they watched, every single angel in the room floated up into the air at the same time, surrounded in an orange glow, and they looked over to see Jack, holding his hand out, his eyes glowing.  Sam was standing next to him.  Jack held them, suspended in the air for a moment longer and then squeezed his hand into a fist, and the angels simultaneously turned into dust.

Cas and Dean stared at Jack in shock, both breathing heavily. Dean stood to his feet. "Thanks, Jack," he said, supporting himself on Castiel's shoulder.

"Dean," Sam said. He hurried over to his brother and embraced him.

"It's okay, Sammy," Dean said. "I'm fine." He patted his brother on the back.

"Where's Lucifer?" Castiel asked Jack and Sam.

"Dead," Jack said. "I killed him. You guys don't have to worry anymore. You're safe."

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