Chapter 3: Shock

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Run Boy Run by Woodkid

General/Remus' POV:

"Did you see that Remus? She destroyed that guy!" Remus nodded, slightly dazed. They had apparated back to her house when she left the park, neither really approving of her drug use. Now they were just waiting for her to get there. Remus couldn't help but note the small sense of pride that broke through Sirius' voice. Both of them were shocked when the fight broke out, only Remus heard the comment that the boy made that set her off. He had slightly wondered why the comment had gotten such a reaction out of her. Remus didn't have time to ponder the thought once he saw how hard she was hitting him. How was she so strong? He was twice her size and clearly had no hope of overpowering her. The only time he had seen that happen was- no. No she couldn't be. Remus began to panic. Had he cursed his own daughter by passing along the gene? The thought had never crossed his mind though he kicked himself for not considering it. It wasn't until she growled at the students that he was sure. His thoughts left him in a stunned state as they waited for her return. The rumble of her motorcycle reached his ears but was quickly cut off. Lyria walked around the corner a block from her home and both men could see themselves in her. Her height and pale skin plus the sarcasm from the fire that resided in her soul made Remus smile, for she had gotten these from him. But her beautiful black hair and sharp cheekbones were all Sirius, plus the curls were an obvious trait of the noble Black bloodline. Her obvious punk style with the jacket and bike made Sirius giggle because she was so much like him. She walked up to her front door, clearly in distress. He wished that he could just reach out and hold her, tell her not to be scared. Why was she scared?
    Lyria's hand reached into the hidden pocket in her jacket and pulled out a ring of keys. She straightened her shoulders and held her head high as she walked in. Trying to portray confidence but Remus' heightened vision saw the muscles in her shoulder tense, as if bracing herself for something. Both men watched her approach her angry looking foster father through a large window that looked out onto the vast front lawn. To both of their surprise, instead of offering her a hug, as she was in distress, he raised his hand and struck her across the face. Both men froze, unsure of what had just happened. The man hit her again, this time in the ribs and hard enough to cause her to crumble to her knees. They were running across the lawn now, cursing themselves for not realizing the familiar pattern sooner. Remus pounded on the front door, his anger causing his control on the wolf to slip. Moony growled inside Remus' head, wanting to protect his cub. The door shook on its hinges and a furious woman answered the door.
'How dare you intrude on us this way-" she was cut off when Sirius pushed through her, Remus not far behind. They were horrified when they found their daughter unconscious on the floor and the same angry man kicking her repeatedly. Blood spilled out of her mouth and her body was contorted in a way that could only mean bones were broken. Remus rushed forward and shoved the man away from his baby girl with every ounce of hidden strength he had. The man flew across the room and hit the far wall. Remus knelt down and as carefully as he could, picked her up. Her beautiful silver eyes with matching gold rings to his were slightly rolled back into her head. He shouted for Sirius who had frozen in the entryway to obliviate the two and grab her forgotten bag. He snapped out of his trance and did as Remus had told him. He then grabbed onto Remus' arm and apparated them to St. Mungos. Remus could feel her pulse slowing as he shouted "Someone help! PLEASE!" Two healers, a man and a woman, rushed over at the sight of the group and summoned a stretcher. Remus was reluctant to let his daughter go but the woman kindly reminded him that she needed immediate attention and that they couldn't treat her like this. Remus then complied and laid her down, tears filling his eyes and pouring out onto his cheeks. He turned to Sirius and the two men wrapped each other into a passionate embrace. Both hoping beyond all that their daughter was going to be okay.

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