Chapter 15: Summer Vacation

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Lyria walks in the front door of 12 Grimmauld Place. It wasn't quite home yet but it had the potential to be. She pulled her fathers in a tight hug. Her head resting on their inner shoulders and arms wrapped around their necks. Remus chuckled in surprise but both returned the hug nonetheless. Sirius mumbled into Lyria's shoulder.
"I missed you so much darling." Lyria smiled, gave them one last squeeze and pulled back. Her hair was pulled back into twin elegant braids, thanks to Blaise, that rested down her back.
    Her fathers examined her with pride and joy.
"You look beautiful darling." Sirius complimented.
"How were your classes?" Remus asked, eager to hear about her Hogwarts experience. It had been wonderful for him but he knew that not everyone was so lucky. Her face instantly brightened.
"Oh papa it was wonderful! I have amazing friends, classes were pretty easy though..." Sirius rolled his eyes, knowing who these 'amazing friends' were. Lyria's eyes filled with doubt for a moment, nervous to ask the question that was dancing on her tongue.
"Dad, Papa...." she said before pausing, worried that their answer wouldn't be the one that they wished to hear. She looked deep into her parents' eyes. "Are you- are you mad that I was sorted into Slytherin?" Lyria knew all about the story of how her dad had been sorted into Gryffindor, desperate to renounce his connections to his family. Surprise flashed across Remus' eyes.
"No, of course not." Lyria smiled but was more worried about Sirius' response. She looked at him again, doubtful. A warm smile found its way on his face.
"We are happy for you honey.... even if you are a snake now." He added with a feigned scoff. She chuckled and the tension eased in her shoulders.
    Harry arrived about an hour later with his two best friends. Lyria rolled her eyes, being able to hear them all the way from her bedroom was frustrating. Don't they know any manners? Still, she let it not bother her too much. She looked back down at the worn novel in her hands. This book was one of her guilty pleasures. Her head rolled against her extravagant headboard when she looked at her bedside table. The plate of untouched food that was brought up by Kreacher was still untouched. Her eyes dropped back down to continue reading. It was the part where Jacob picked Bella up from school, so that Alice couldn't stop them. It made her giggle slightly. Eclipse had always been her favorite, though many prefer Breaking Dawn. She liked the way Edward was so protective of her, though it was irritating that Bella was never upset with her beloved. There was no way Lyria would have not gone off on Edward in many scenes if she was Bella.
    A soft tap sounded at her bay window. A striking black eagle owl was clicking its beak gently against the clear glass. Lyria smiled, recognizing the Malfoy owl instantly. She jumped up and rushed to open the window, the bird rested on her shoulder while she untied the elegant letter attached to its ankle. He nipped at her ear affectionately. The M wax seal was a dead giveaway of the sender if she hadn't noticed the familiar bird. She read the words quickly and then reread it so that she actually understood what it had said. She squealed when she saw that it was an invitation. Draco and his family wanted her to come stay for the next two weeks.
    Lyria ran down the stairs, skipping every other step. She left the letter in her room, worried that Harry too would recognize the Malfoy family seal. Everyone was relaxing near the fire, the trio being obnoxious and her papa looking like she wished that they would just stop talking. He saw his daughter and brightened instantly. It wasn't that Remus didn't like Harry and his friends, they were just incredibly loud. Harry was glum and his friends were pestering him about everything he saw in the last task. Lyria felt a hint of sympathy for the boy, knowing that he didn't want to talk about such things. She shook the train of thought from her mind and looked her her dads.
"What's got you looking so excited Ly-Ly?" Sirius asked, a mischievous smirk on his face.
"I got a letter, I got a letter, I got a letter, and it's just for me." She said in a cheerful, sing-songy voice. Her lips were spread into a bright smile. Her fathers chuckled at her little song and gave her a look that asked her to elaborate.
"Pansy has invited me to come and stay. Just for a couple weeks. Her family are going on a trip to Spain for most of the summer and wanted to spend some time together before she left." She said all in one breath. It wasn't a complete lie, Pansy really was going on a trip, she just wasn't leaving until mid-July. Lyria wanted to pressure her fathers that this was her only chance. "Oh please, pleaseeee let me go!" She said beggin, still slightly bouncing from excitement. Her fathers couldn't bear to say no to something that clearly made her so happy. Remus had suspicions that his daughter and the Pansy girl were dating but wasn't sure if it was true and knew that if he shared his thoughts with Sirius that he would just go into protective mode and not let her go. Sirius looked at his husband and they shared a look of agreement. Sirius sighed before speaking. He shouldn't judge other students who are in Slytherin, it was an all new generation and his daughter was one so the double standards wouldn't be fair.
"Fine," he said. She jumped in front of him and squealed as she squeezed her dad a little too tightly. When she was excited like this, she often forgot how strong she was. Sirius grunted and she quickly shuffled backward. Realizing her mistake. She leaned down and placed a kiss on her papa's cheek and ran upstairs to get packed.

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