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Everything comes with a price to pay and even The Greatest Angel is no exception.

Angels are often identified as the perfect creature of God. They were created as the highest level of beings, possessing the incomparable appearance and powers. It isn't an exaggeration to say that The Angels are God's favorite.

Once upon a time, there was a rumor stating that The Angels' blood are the most valuable possession one could ever have. Every creature desires for The Angels' blood but none dares to kill or even inflicted any damage to the holy creature. None was courage enough to cross path with An Angel, let alone The Greatest of them all- The Angel of Death.

The Angels were made to be a perfection and the most powerful among God's creation. They were known for their ability to burn the devil, to heal and to even resurrect humans with only their blood. The rate of succession for each execution depends on the purity of The Angels' blood therefore, the higher the level of that Angel, the higher the possibility to use their powers.

Although resurrecting humans is one out of many things an Angel is capable to do, it is likely out of questions. No Angel dares to do such forbidden things. Life that has been taken will never be given back. Every Angel stands by the rule.

Yet tonight, strangely enough, stand there in silence is The Angel of Death with a glowing soul in the palm of his hand.

Xiao Jungkook crouches down next to the body of a woman he failed to protect. Allowing himself to linger around her longer than how he usually does as he can't seems to understand the unbearable pain that he feels. The void in his heart has never feels so foreign almost as if all the bright things he just learnt to feel left as she goes. 

The soul was glowing in yellow and he is lost deep in his mind. Several thoughts begin to invade and instead of shrugging them off like how he used to, he actually starts to considers everything.

'I could resurrect her.'  He first thought. A sin. A rule. It is forbidden to give back what was taken from a human. Every Angel knows that.

'I could give her back the life she wanted.'

Every consequences has a price.

'I would pay any price as long as she stays alive.'

Xiao Jungkook does not hesitate for a minute longer after it is decided right there and then as he grabs a hold of his sword, unsheathing the blade and slowly cut the skin of the very same palm that is holding the soul. His silver blood is dripping from the long, narrow crack of his skin yet his face remains expressionless.

Bringing his bleeding hand closer to where her heart is, he put it over her chest and watches as the blood seeping into her wound. He leaves it there for a couple of minutes just to make sure the blood is enough. The book in the Athenaeum clearly stated that the highest level Angel needed only a drop of his blood to resurrect a human, yet he still give her more just to make sure it works.

Staring longingly at the soul, he then flips his palm so the soul faces it's body and breathes out,

 "I am Xiao Jungkook, The Angel of Death and I ordered you, Iera Lee to go back into your body and live."


"Open your eyes." He hears a voice commanded him and without a single fight, he does as he was ordered. The bright light is blinding him and only after several times blinking to adjust his sight does he find out that he has been dragged back to the Hall of Returning Soul. 

Numbness is biting on his wrist and as he tries to touch it, he realizes something is restricting his movements. With much difficulty to raise his head and look up to his hands, he then realizes that he has been tied up with God's binding rope, hanged to keep himself steady and forced to kneels before God.

The Angel Of Death Has Fallen For HerWhere stories live. Discover now