Chapter 45

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I'm soo excited for the days coming. While the guys all go do their band stuff, Cortez and I go do our own things. We don't wander too far from where I know Jack is, and each time I go out on my own, it's like having an adventure. I find some awesome little niche places tucked away on quieter streets. One place I fond is a Psychic's shop.

She's really friendly and sweet. I ask for some tarot readings. They've always been pretty interesting to me. I have time, since the boys won't be done for another half hour or so.

We do two spreads. One for career and and for love. I find it really insightful and most of the stuff she reads from the cards does apply to me. It makes for an overall fun experience, and later when I meet back up with Jack I tell him all about it.

"In the love reading the cards said I found my soulmate, but that we strayed, then we were reunited again and the bond between us is very strong." I explain as we sit in the hotel later that night, having just finished eating the pizza that we ordered. "There were a few things that were said that are really hard to excuse as coincidences too."

"Sounds like you had a good time." Jack smiles. "What else did they say?"

"They said that I'd gone through a great deal of hardship in the past relationship, and that I'm still learning how to open up now. But that you are very patient and you won't hold anything against me." I take hold of one of his locks. He's got an appointment to get his curls a few days after we get home. "Jack, I'm happy here. With you, and with our friends."

He leans over a swoops me into a hug.

"I'm happy we got you back."

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