Chapter 32

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I started posting stuff on my social media after all of my friends posted out about me. It gave me a boost of self-confidence.

"Uh... I'm kinda busy... Addy can dance, why don't you ask her?" Jack says, making me look up from my phone.

Ilsa turns to me with her big beautiful eyes. "Please?!"

"Huh?" I ask, lost at what she even asked her brother.

"Can you be my dance partner for this tiktok?" She asks.

"Well... I... yeah, sure." I agree and she grabs my hand an whisks me up the stairs, leaving Jack and his buddy to work on some music.

"Okay. So, I'll show you the dance if you don't know it and then we can practice a bit before recording." She says, knowing exactly what she wants.

"Oh, okay."

As she's loading up the example video, I get a call on my phone. I ignore it the first time, but then answer on the second.


"Addy, Cece took half a bottle of pills."

"Cece did what?!" I drop the glass of water I had in my hand and Isla jumps. "Did you call 911?!"

"Yeah, I've got them on the landline. Meet us at the hospital?" Mum asks, her voice shaking.

I nod as if she can see me. "Y-yeah. I'll be there."

She hangs up and I just kinda do a circle, not knowing what exactly to do.

"Addy, are you okay?" Isla asks, observing the broken glass and my now shaking self.

"I uh... Fuck, I'm sorry Isla I gotta go. Raincheck till I get back?"

"I-Um... okay...?"

I'm already jogging down the stairs. "Jack, where's the car keys?"

"Uh... on my desk over there, why?"

"Can I borrow the car?" I ask, adrenaline pumping through my veins. My vision's fixated on his keys.

"Um sure-wait, do you have a liscense?"

"Yes." I snatch the keys quick.

"Addy, wait-" he catches my arm before I can sprint up the stairs. "What's wrong?"

"Cece took some pills and I gotta go to the hospital quick." I reply, feeling trapped by Jack's grip.

"I'm coming with you. You good?" He glances back at his friend.

"All good here, bro." He answers.

"Let me drive, baby, you're shaking too much." Jack takes the keys as we get out to the car.

I slide into the passenger seat, my hands fluttering wildly. Jack backs out of the driveway, his tires squeeling as he accelerates a little too fast.

Jack grips one of my hands as I do my absolute best to keep myself from panicking. Cortez managed to get in the car with us before we took off, and he sits on the floor between my feet. Jack tries putting the radio on, but it makes me even more aggitated and I turn it back off.

"Jack, I'm scared." I say, staring at the road ahead of us.

He pulls my hand up and kisses the back of it. He keeps my hand pressed to his lips as he speaks. "I know, baby girl. I know."

It feels like an eternity has passed by the time we get to the hospital.

"I'll go find a place to park if you wanna find your mom." Jack offers, but I'm already shaking my head. I don't wanna go in there by myself.

Jack finds the closes parking space and pushes the dog-mode button on his car which turns on the A/C and runs some music if we have to leave the dogs in here. Cortez whines when he sees he's not coming with, but sits patiently on the passenger seat.

Jack jogs to the doors, where we have to have our temperatures taken and are given masks before entering. Neither of us thought to grab ours from home.

We ask the front desk for my sister, and they direct us to the west wing of the hospital. We take off in that direction to find my mum bent over in a worn-down padded chair in a waiting room.

Mum grabs me tight; hugging me and squeezing to the point that I can't breathe. She pulls Jack in too when she realizes he's come along and thanks him over and over.

A nurse takes us into a private waiting room after that. I become even more fearful and Jack sits me on his lap while my mum sits right beside us. I lean on her while Jack keeps me occupied by playing with my hair and rubbing his thumbs in my palms soothingly.

Two hours into the wait we're given news. They managed to stablilize Cece, but she's not woke up. Cece took my mum's blood pressure pills. He explains exactly what's happened so far to Cece because of them.

Basically, the pills slowed Cece's heart down so much she wasn't getting enough oxygen to her brain and it did cause her a couple seizures. She's been intubated so that they can push enough air into her lungs because she wasn't breathing on her own anymore.

"I can't tell you that she'll be the same when she wakes up." The lady-doctor warns us. She's very soft-spoken. "We don't know if there was any damage done to her brain yet. We'll only be able to assess that when she's conscious."

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Jack asks, trying to stay positive.

The blond lets out a bit of a breath as if she'd been holding it in. "There's no telling when or if she might wake up..."

I feel my eyes water and I burry my face in Jack's chest. Jack takes the opertunity to ask the doctor if he can go get my therapy dog from the car and she says that as long as he's a real service dog, he's allowed.

"I'll be right back, okay baby?" He presses a soft, lingering kiss to my forehead as I sniffle.

I stand and let him go before turning to my mom. We both cling to each other, crying silently. I realize how much I missed her.

I remember crying into her like this when I was younger. I remember getting bullied on the bus and running to her sobbing and just clinging to her like I am now. I remember falling apart in her arms when a friend of mine decided I wasn't good enough to hang out with in middle school anymore, and I remember sobbing into her when Jack left.

That was the last time really that I've heartidly cried to my mom. I didn't dare when I was with Kyle and I had pretty well cut her off just like everyone else. I miss that relationship I shared with her and I know it hadn't been the same since.

I'm wipping my itchy eyes by the time Jack gets back with Cortez. He tells us that they gave him a hard time at the enterance to let him in, and that he had to go get my wallet out of the car and show them the spare IDs I keep in there for him. They're training certificates, as well as my doctor's note for him.

I pat my lap and Cortez Jumps up. He sits up, puts a paw on each side of my neck and rests his bulky head on my shoulder. I hug him, stroking his fur which calms me down and leaves me feeling tired. I let my mum pet him too, until she's given the okay to go see Cece.

They're only allowing immediate family in and only one at a time, so Jack and I just go back home and let my mum have this time with Cece.

It's late when we get back and Jack's friend has left and Isla's in bed. Kristin takes out the left-overs from supper and heats them up as Jack and I sit down and tell her what happened.

I can't eat much, and what I do manage to get down churns in my stomach. I head to bed and Jack comes down too after finishing up with his mom. I have a hard time to sleep too, and Jack just does his best to keep me comfortable and chase away the nightmares as they come.

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