Ch 13. Journey Back

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But as the sun began to rise in the east, I was worrying whether I would be able to pass the realms in the day. If I was able to then that at least danger of the werewolves, Vampires lurking in the corners of the forest would be minimal. I strode my way toward my kingdom. Half the day had passed and I was nearing to closure of the vampire realm, and I feel my excitement that I will cross the realm of werewolves while it is day.  As I was about to cross the Vampire realm, I could feel someone walking behind me. There I saw the Christopher and his soul mate Lisa; they came with an army of vampires. I pulled my sword in an attacking stance and turned my horse to them.

"We came to protect you and the princess, we mean no harm", Saying this Christopher knelt on his knees with his whole army ". I was shocked to see the whole army of Vampires kneeling down for me. Then I realised that might be it is the power of fairy. I bid them good bye and made my way to the realm of werewolves.

 I entered the realm of werewolves and remembered my encounter with the werewolf king, Gale.

 "We came to protect the princess and you royal guard Alex". I was perplexed how he knew my name. I haven't given him my name last time. "We are supernatural and we read minds Alex and I know that you are the royal guard who is taking princess from this supernatural realm to the mortal lands and we want to make sure you are able to do so. We respect our fairy queen Aria, and we would help her in whatever way we can".

I relaxed a bit that the fairy queen indeed ruled over all these supernaturals. I was still suspicious of their motive. Because princess was still unconscious and I would not let someone take advantage of her not being conscious. If at all the werewolves think they can keep the princess captive and force her to mate with one of them. Then I would fail as a guardian. I was on high alert while we rode side by side.

 "Alex we will not do anything that would harm the princess, if you are not going to believe us. We would not force you but you can let us walk princess at the end of the realm safely..."

 I nodded and told the werewolf king that I want to hurry up and be in my kingdom as I don't want it to step in the human realm when it is dark. To which Joseph replied that it's night there and that's why I slowed you down but since it's going to be night here soon. You can start your journey.

 I instantly rushed my horse so that I can be out of supernatural realm and have princess safely in mortal land. Joseph came near me swiftly and said "Alex you would need to get a mortal horse as soon as you step out of this supernatural realm. This horse is not mortal and will not be available when you cross our realm."

 I nodded and strode towards my destination, and turned when he said "Alex after you cross over the supernatural realm, the news of princess existence will reach the king Emmanuel and he will come to get her. You will be on your own. So be extra careful and take this knife and this spelled powder to keep her safe at Night"

 I rode for whole night and by the end of the dusk I knew that I had reached the realm of humans and now I have to be extra careful for I had princess who is not only beautiful but powerful too. My horse stopped near the border of werewolves' realm, it started neighing. I got down and lifted the princess from the horse back. I strode over to my realm and walked in the direction of my kingdom.

I walked carrying the princess in bridal style suddenly I felt her stirring and she opened her eyes and she started struggling to come out of my grasp. I gently laid the princess down and "How dare you touch me, royal guard. Did you forget that I am your princess and this is not a way to behave with a lady"she questioned.

"Princess, I could do nothing, since you were unconscious and I had to hurry us towards our kingdom. I wanted to ensure we are in our kingdom before dark"I bow down while answering the princess.

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