Ch 30. Rebel

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  I left her in the prison for I knew I could not stand to watch her in pain and watch her breaking her resolve. But I will make sure she makes right decision and chooses me this time. I knew I don't have much of a time before supernaturals will meet and try to attack me. I have to marry her and mate her so I can have her and her powers to become the most powerful supernatural alive. I smiled at the thought of having her this close to me. I felt she was here because we are meant to be.  

Princess Astra

Once the cruel creature left after giving me ultimatum I thought back to the situation I am in now. If only I had done more practice and mastered my powers I would have kept my people safe. I know by morning I would have to agree to the creature's conditions because I loved my Kingdom and I loved people. In short span of time my people have shown the faith in me. They had shown their affection because every day they would gather in the temple and pray for my longevity. I was not looked upon as an aristocrat but as a goddess.

They believe that I was the one who could save them from dark creatures. They worshipped me and here I know I have failed them. But if I agree to this dark creature, I can get protection for my people. I can save them.

Princess Astra 

I heard someone calling me I looked around but all I could see was the darkness.

Princess Astra..... have you given up so soon.

I heard the voice again but saw no one near me. I felt may be because of my helpless state I have begun to hallucinate.

Princess Astra... you are not hallucinating

"Whoever you are please present yourself to me" I asked.

I can't princess because I am trapped just like you

"Are you also captured like me? Where are you? how am I able to hear you ?" I asked

"Princess... I am in the same prison as you and moreover I am with you"


"Well you see Princess I am inside you"

I am seriously hallucinating now. I was confirmed.

"Princess since you are a half fairy you are bonded with me, your fairy part to help you when your human side is in trouble"

"Are you telling me that I am divided into two parts, one human and other fairy"

"Yes love you are..."

"So you are here to help me??"

"You can say so.. but I can just guide you till you master your powers. Once you have mastered your powers I and you will become one, till then I am your guide".

"Can you help me get out of this prison"

"No princess I cannot.. however I can help you to not give up 

"How can you help me then??"

"Princess you remember that you used to start practicing on your  practice grounds and you were able to lift stones and after that you have managed to do control the elements"

"Yes I used to"

"Well then princess you can try and imagine yourself in the same practice grounds and think of the light as the element and concentrate on a ray of light and think it is growing like a bubble and becoming bigger and bigger "

I started imagining myself in the practicing grounds and then I concentrated on the point where I used to practice. I willed the ray of light to envelope that point and start growing like a bubble. While I did this. I felt severe pain in my body. The chains holding me became hot and started glowing red. But I knew better than to stop. I continued to will the ray of light to became like a glowing light source and as I was able to expand it to my borders. I lost my concentration because I could hear the footsteps and the next instant a plate of food was pushed over to me.

The soldier left and once again I was left in the prison alone and defeated.

Princess don't give up I think since it is peak of night now no one will disturb you so you better start doing what you were doing again.

I had lost so much of energy even though I thought I could not continue but still now I had to do what I was doing. 

I once again concentrated on the practice ground but again and again as my light source would bulge I would loose my concentration. I got frustrated now.

Then I heard again

Princess concentrate on Alex....


Yes Princess concentrate on Alex... how he used to practice in the grounds...

I listened to the voice and started concentrating, I could see Alex standing some yards away from where I used to practice and he was smiling at me while I practiced. I then concentrated on him. Then I looked down to his feet. As he moved away so did his feet, I concentrated on his feet and then I could feel the ray of light growing into a bubble of light and now as Alex moved from the grounds he was now moving to the borders and where ever he went the bubble will try to enclose everywhere he walked.

Princess halt the source now since Alex is moved out of the border... you can't go on like this you are already suffering....

I did what I was told and then I opened my eyes to look at myself, I felt drained of my energy but the words that I heard brought smile to my lips

Rest my princess we have achieved what we wanted... you would need your energy to fight the dark ones.

Soon I saw darkness enveloping me.

Victor 's POV

"Your Majesty the princess won't wake up and she didn't even had her dinner"

I instantly moved out of my bedroom and ran to her cellar.

I saw she lay there on the ground with smile on her face. I wondered what has made her smile in her sleep she looked so peaceful. But the way her beautiful features were scarred I shouted to my guards

"What the hell happened here??" I asked.

"Sir no one visited this place, the only person who visited was the maid to give dinner and after that the maid came in to give breakfast and she found the princess in her current condition.

She has not eaten her dinner showing her protest against me. But she forgot that I gave her ultimatum of one night and that was over. I felt bad that whatever marred her beautiful features I could not protect her.

I called her name again and again. I moved near her but again I felt a jolt of energy pushing me. My guards brought me a chair and I sat on it staring at her unconscious figure. 

The whole day passed but she didn't even stir from her position. I had my maids attend to her. I could see the scars were fading now. Soon she will be awake and I will have my mating ceremony with her.

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