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After that the other Lords came and they all greeted you. "Good morning child." They all said. "Good morning Lords." You said. "Child, today we will begin the training for making you a better person. It maybe mentally tiring so before we start have a cup of Tae....sry I mean tea." Lord Namjoon said. They give you the Tae....sry tea and a bowl of Suga...... sry I mean sugar in case you like it sweetened. You had a warm cup of Tae with Suga....sry I mean tea with sugar. Then you and the GODs left the palace.

"What are we gonna do on a mountain?" You asked when you reached near a mountain following the GODs. "Meditation in nature's beauty my child. If improves one's mental health." Lord Hoseok said. "Follow us." Lord Jin said as the GODs took a particular path to reach the top of the mountain. "This path is the shortest so we can save time." Lord Jungkook said. "Yes,  time is very precious." Lord Jimin added. "Here we are. We have reached the top." Lord Yoongi said. "We reached already??" You asked. "Yes." Lord Taehyung said jumping in front of you. You could have sworn you almost had a heart attack.

The GODs sit down on a piece of land where they were many planets surrounding the grass. You sit down feel the cold breeze tingling your skin and the fresh air that you wanted to breathe so much that you could take it back to Earth with you. You gently close your eyes and think of nothing but your surroundings. You never felt so relaxed in your life. It felt as if there was some deep energy hidden in you which hadn't been tapped to it's fullest potential. You felt just great. J-Hopefully.... sry I mean hopefully this would calm down all your problems in life and make you more amaJing.

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