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"Now we are back. So take rest for today. Do meditation and then go to sleep." Lord Namjoon said. "Ok Lord but why?" Mikey asked. "Because we have to be relaxed before we start Confidence lesson or else we can't learn a lot." You said. "Yes exactly my dear." Lord Namjoon said. "Ok Lord." Mikey said and then you both headed to you room to take a quick shower. Once you got into the shower, you felt very relaxed as the lukewarm water trickled down your body giving you pure bliss. Once you were done with your bath you felt very refreshed. Then you changed into your pajamas and went to the meditation chair.

After 30 minutes of meditation your mind was so relaxed that you could be peaceful even if someone hit you while normally you would get a bit offended. After that you went to sleep. A deep slumber that made your whole body peaceful. Next day you wake up to freshness and warm breeze. You look out the window for a bit and then get ready.

"Good Morning students. Today we are gonna learn how to build confidence." Lord Seokjin said to you and Mikey. "Ok Lord." You both said. "If you know any tips to build confidence why not share it first." Lord Seokjin said. "First, be satisfied with what you achieve. You can gain confidence from them. Second, set up good and big goals. Third, talk to yourself when you feel you can't do something." Mikey said. "What about you my child?" Lord Seokjin asked. "Respect yourself and be self satisfied. Trust yourself to do your 100% best." You said. "Good you seem to have some knowledge about the topic." Lord SeokJin said.

'Lemme put them through test' Lord SeokJin thought. "Ok kids here we go." He said and snapped his finger (A/N: No  he didn't collect infinity stones. You guys are really idiots to think u will be snapped out of existence 🙄) A bright light shone and you closed your eyes as it was hurting them. When you opened your eyes, you were a singer 🗣🎙and you were backstage of your concert. 'Shit!!' You thought. "Mam, get ready." Someone said. 'Yeah sure.' you thought feeling annoyed. After you get ready they send you on stage. Now is when you wanted to rest in peace (A/N: Yeha you honestly did). There were millions in front of you. 'I can't do this. Maybe I can. No I can't.' you were having inner debate with yourself. Finally you decided this was your fate so you had to accept it. 'I can do this because I have to do this.' You thought and you succeeded in making a good concert. After that you were back at Planet BORA.

"I am proud both of you worked your cases with confidence. Good keep it up." Lord Seokjin told you both before you all headed back to the palace.

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