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You wake up the next morning and find yourself sleeping on the floor. You get up and see around you. Yes you were still in Planet BORA. You smile to yourself and go get ready. While showering the words of the man come back to your mind. They make you feel uneasy but a dream is a dream so no problem.

"ALERT!! ALERT!!! THERE IN AN INVADER!! ALERT!! ALERT!!" you heard someone scream. You quickly finish your shower and run outside. You see the GODs holding a child and telling everyone he was just looking for some food and they gave him some food and asked him o stay at the palace. You felt better after knowing nothing happened. Phew!!! The boy came over to you introduced himself and you did the same. His name was Mikey. The GODs decided to train you both together.

"Ok so today's training is Intelligence. As the GOD of Intelligence I will be training you both today." Lord Namjoon said. You both nodded and went with him. He took you to the Library of Wisdom. It was wonderful. It had many books and a magical mirror. Being curious as you are, you aksed what the mirror was for. "As far as I have heard when you choose a book it goes into the magical mirror and you start to experience the story which is given in the book. So you gain more wisdom about the things given in the book. Am I right Lord??" Mikey asked. "Absolutely boy. Now let me choose this book 'The Hard way of Life' This book was written by GOD of Hardwork." Lord Namjoon said picking up a book. It was immediately pulled in by the mirror.

After that all the 3 of you were in some other world. A wonderful world which seemed to be. Was it??

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