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Next morning you wake up and get fresh so that you can leave for the day's training. 'Hmmm....what should I wear today?? Lemme just a wear a simple shirt and pant.' You thought. After you get ready. You go to have your Tae sry I mean tea when Lord Taehyung popped his head from the branch above and said, "Morning." You spit out your Tae I mean tea. "Oops!!! You got scared?? Sorry!!" Lord Taehyung said scratching his neck. "No no, No problem. Good morning." You said wiping your face with a tissue. Mikey who was stranding nearby was laughing like hell. "Shut up kid. Remember I am older. I need respect." You said. "Yes madam/sir, with due respect I found it funny so I may politely apologize for laughing." He said. "Whatever." You said rolling your eyes. Lord Taehyung just giggled. "Ok let's head to our lesson then." Lord Taehyung said. He took you both to his room weird but yeah he really did.

"Let's just have this convo as friends. So you can feel very free to shard your answers with me." Lord Taehyung said. "Okay." Mikey said. "Let's start with myself. Ok as you know I am the God of Uniqueness. So we will discuss about our weird and unique qualities. My weird/unique quality is hanging upside down on the tree for 2 hours straight." Lord Taehyung said. Your mouth flew open at that. "My weird quality is to act as someone else in front of others and sometimes if I don't like them I create names for myself." Mikey said. "Very weird." You said. "What about you??" Lord Taehyung asked. "Um... I don't wanna share." You said feeling nervous. "Why??" Mikey asked. "I just don't wanna share." You said and left the room. If you stayed in the room you will have to tell them.

You sit in the courtyard frowning. Lord Taheyung approached you. "Hey!! What's the matter you can tell me." He said. "My unique quality is my dreams feel so realistic that they leave an impact on me. To be honest I know that this Planet BORA is my dream." You said. "I know Mikey and you will think I am crazy if I say Planet BORA is just my dream but it is true." You added sighing. "I didn't find you crazy though. It's an awesome quality. Don't lose it." Lord Taehyung said showing his boxy smile. You couldn't help but smile back. "If you don't wanna share it with Mikey I won't force you. But remember, you should be proud of your uniqueness and don't hide it from anyone. It's what makes you who you are." Lord Taehyung said. You nodded. After you went back in, you shared your unique quality feeling proud of it after what Lord Taehyung said. "Sounds ridiculous but at the same time it seems to be the best quality anyone can have." Mikey said. "But it doesn't belong to you." He mumbled which you couldn't hear and neither could Lord Taehyung. Then you all kept talking about your other not so weird yet unique qualities and laughed and enjoyed until it was late and you had to go to bed.

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