Chapter 5

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Tori's P.O.V.

I feel a hand wrap around my wrist pulling me towards the playground. We run all the way to slide. I look and find that louis was the one that grabbed my wrist. No wonder why it was him, he wanted to come back here so badly. I stand away from them as louis lets go and runs to the slide. I don't stand too far away, just enough to see all of them gathering around the slide. Harry is texting on his phone once again and sitting on the slide. Louis climbs up the stairs that lead to the slide. "Harry move!!!!" Louis yells standing right above him. Oh no I don't think this will turn out good. "Wait BooBear just let me send this text" Harry states calmly. Oh no harry, what a very stupid move. "Haz you made me do this!" Louis says playfully but trying to make it sound somewhat mad. Louis picks up his leg and pushes Harry's back. I will never get used to this hilarious, but somewhat cute, nicknames. Not like i have to though. As soon as it comes in contact with his back he goes zooming down the slide as fast as possible. On the way down harry, drops his phone leaving it in the mulch. He starts screaming like a little girl until he lands on his face. Zayn catches sight of Harry's phone and know what he is going to do next. Zayn dashes like a madman towards his phone, picks it up and runs away, while harry stands up and starts running for Zayn. Everything going crazy. Harry is still chasing zayn. Louis slides down the slide. When he said he wanted to go down the slide he really meant he wanted to go down the slide. He is putting his hands up in the air and laughing. Niall and Liam are standing and laughing on the opposite side of me. I run over to them without being run over harry or Zayn. I approach Niall. "Are they always like this?" I ask him as I catch sight over zayn running around the monkey bars. I start laughing again. "Yea, we have a lot of fun" he replies in one big breath before laughing again. I stick out my hand in front of him. "I'm Tori shay, I don really think I got introduce myself because of all... This" I say gesturing at Zayn and Harry wrestling. He grabs my hand but pulls me into a hug instead. "I'm more of a hugging person" he says. I inhale his smell, of Armarai mania, he also had a light scent of some type of food. His cologne smelled amazing, and I never wanted to leave his arms. I think held on for too long because he stepped back a little bit, I don't think I was suppose to notice that though. I step back and feel my cheeks burn red. Wow I just met them and I have already embarrassed myself in front of Niall, who next? I have always had a crush on all of the guys but by far, I thought Niall and Harry were the hottest. They would never date me though I don't even need to remind myself that because there are at lease 80,000,000 other girls in the world drooling over them. I am not the type to fangirl and scream over them, I am not that big of a fan either, nobody know that I am a fan at all. I start walk over to Charlotte who is leaning against a tree and watching Harry struggle to grab his phone from Zayn's clutch. As I approach her she runs up to me. "We have to leave before 4:30 because i ordered pizza" she says as she starts to pull me away, but i resist. "why did you have to call so early! Now we have to leave them" i say as i point over to all of the boys chasing after liam, who now holds harry's phone. Wait, oh no, did i just say that in front of charlotte? she dosent know i like them! i need to think of something fast. "If we leave them alone I think Liam will be dead, look what he has in his hand! I mean we could go but only I we help Liam" I tell her happy with what I came up with. "Ok..." She says. We jog over to Liam running around. When he sees us his eyes widen and then his lips curve into a very evil looking smirk. Then, out of nowhere a phone comes flying at my face. Before I can think, I start running. Oh Liam you did not just do that. I have Harry's phone and I have 5 boys and 1 girl chasing after me, and yes I know what you are thinking Charlotte is chasing me also. My best friend turns her back on me. I throw the phone to the closest person behind me. I meet his sparkling blue eyes, now filled with worry. Oops. Wait why do I feel bad? I am NOT i repeat NOT falling in love with a boy that Justus sees me as a fan. I am nothing more to him. No I will NOT fall in live with him! I won't do it! I do feel guilty though. I shout at him and the other boys. "We have to go" oh what a beautiful excuse, which i now use against charlotte. we walk away leaving them chasing each other. We walk home, and when we get there the pizza guy is waiting. after eating and changing we settle into bed. before i fall into my dreamland i hear a door slam, not too loud but loud enough to hear. i don't think anything of it, i shut my eyes and fall into the darkness dreaming about one direction and Niall, is it bad that in falling for him? i wont ever see him again! I think this day was the best day of my life and I will never forget it. But I'm just a fan nothing more. Right? Boy, was I wrong.

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