Chapter 6

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Tori's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and pull myself out of bed. I need to get ready today, never know when you will see the boys from 1D in town again. Plus, I will be out today, I need to go food shopping and I need to go see the brand new horror movie I saw commercials for. I will make Charlotte come. I turn on the shower knob. I make sure the water is hot, but not too hot. I shed my clothes and step into the shower. Ahhhh the shower, my time to think about life, and everything that happened yesterday. As I wash up, the memories flood my mind. I can't possibly have feelings for Niall. I know that he has been my favorite member in the band for a long time. Ugggghhhh! I won't ever see him again except on TV! This feeling totally sucks! I might be able to get into town before they leave though. I finish washing up and step out I the shower. I slip into a pair of blue tye-dye skinny jeans and a solid blue top. I throw on my blue toms, and leave. I know that indeed to get into town before they go. I have to stop thinking about Niall. I grab a box of fruit loops, and pour into the bowl along with the milk. Niall is just another popstar, that looks at me as a fan. Which I am. I sit down at the table and begin to eat my fruit loops. I flip on the TV and scroll through the channels. Oooo! Spongebob Squarepants is on! I am so watching that! The episode is just starting, when I hear a loud bump in the other room. I do what any other teenage girl would do... I run as fast as I can to my bedroom and lock the door. No, I am not one if those girls in the horror movies that go and investigate the sound. I don't even know what could be out there! But, I do need to know if Charlotte is ok! I totally forgot about her. I decide to bring my autographed baseball bat that i got this past summer. I carry it ready for anything. I open the door to charlotte's room but what I see is not even close to what I was expecting. Tied up and taped to the back of Charlotte's wall is the one direction I had seen just yesterday. Charlotte turns around as I walk in. "Ummm I was going to uhh tell you later but I wasn't done... Ya know?" She says somewhat gesturing towards the boys. I run towards all of them. I start to untie the boys until Charlotte slaps my hand, hard. I flinch back. Her eyes widen at what she has just done. The boys look the same. "I didn't mean to hit you, that hard or at all and-" she starts and her voice catches. "I just don't want them to go yet" she finishes. I stare at her, and look down at my hand slowly turning red. She has gone fan girl crazy. My best friend would never slap me. Would she? No she wouldn't, but its not her fault she is just crazy over one direction right now. I stare at her longer until I finally speak up. "How did you get them here?" I say sounding a bit harsh. "Funny story actually..."


Author's note:

Cliff hanger!! Well not really, but don't you wanna know how Charlotte got one direction back to their flat?!?!?! Comment if you know how to put pictures on wattpad books! Or if you know how to change the font or boldness of the text! Please and thank you! Please read my other two books that are being started today. Sorry If this chapter is shorter than usual, your lucky that I had a day off so that I could update!

Take Me Home (One Direction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें