Chapter 1

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One Direction P.O.V (Harry)

"Shhh! We will wake him up before the camera is on!" I tell Louis who is hoping up and down screaming "Kevinnnn!! Don't leave me!!!!!!" Out the window. I finish setting the last spoon on Liam's body. "This is so going on Twitter" I say as I whip out my phone and take a picture. Then I turn on the camera and slowly pull Louis and myself out of the room. We had set up the camera to the laptop to see what would happen. Now it's Niall's turn to go back in with a blow horn. Oh and did I not mention we are doing a Twitcam right now. Niall runs into the room blowing the blow horn, and then runs out. Finally the time we have been waiting for! Liam starts to move around, and then we see him sit up and start screaming like a little girl! So high pitched that i thought it would break our ears. He is shuffling to get out of the bed full of spoons but little does he know that at least five of them are glued to his back. He jumps off the bed and runs down our hallway. That's when he comes into our bedroom. "Hi Liam" I say. "I know it was you!" He starts shouting. "What are you talking about?" I ask him innocently. "You know what I'm talking about Hazza!!" He shouts again. "Fine! But let's call this the beginning of a Prank War, deal?" I tell him "What's the deal?" He asks nervously. "Winner gets to make the loser do anything they want!" I say. "Deal" we both shake hands. "Teams! I call Louis!" I shout. Louis walks over to me eating a carrot. "Zayn" Liam says. "That leaves Niall for me." I say as he walks over to me. "It's fair enough" he says walking over to Zayn. "Let the games begin boys!" I shout. I turn to face my team. "We should do a prank on Liam first! Something with spoons!" I say to them. "We should cover him in spoons while he is sleeping!" Niall says. "That's a good one!" I tell Niall, his eyes widening. "We have to do that one Haz!" Then I hear a knock on our door, Management walks in. "Are we going on another tour?" Louis asks. "No, you have some free time for a while, so we are giving a extremely rare opportunity. Go have fun in the USA for 5 weeks!" Management explains. "5 weeks?!?!" Niall says falling off his chair. We all snicker, and then can't help but laugh, while he climbs back up. "Are you serious? Is Paul, our bodyguard, coming?" I ask as they continue laughing. "He won't be with you 24-7 for you're vacation, but he will be watching you for most of the time." Great, now Paul's coming! This is not going to be a vacation! "We will continue our prank war in america! Let's go pack up." I say


Ok so a lot of things happened In the first chapter! I am determined to finish this book! Uploading will not be super fast but I will try to upload a lot! I have school!!!!!! The next chapter will be in Tori's/Charlotte's P.O.V. But once they meet I will not have to switch the p.o.v.'s from different places. I will change the p.o.v.'s sometimes! Anyway, did you enjoy it? I hope that you did! I don't know when I will upload again, but I will upload soon! Maybe tomorrow!!! Ok... So yea! Enjoy this and comment and also fan! Don't forget to tell me if I got something wrong, but don't be rude or mean!!:)

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