Chapter 9

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Tori's P.O.V.

"We will explain the details once we get our new teammates!" Harry winks at us. I slap his arm. "Ouch! That hurt Tori!" Wow harry just wow, but its not his fault, it's his pervertedness. I don't apologize to Harry. "Soo teammates?" I say breaking the awkwardness harry and I had between us. "I'll pick first because I only have two on my team" Liam says. "I think I'll pick... Hmmm Tori" he says. I walk over and join their team. I'm gonna have to face Charlotte haha! "Awwww I wanted tori!" Harry shouts. Awwww he wants me to be on his team... Wait! no way, that pervertedness could rub off on me. "No thanks" I say pushing my hand away. "What did you say?" Harry asks getting louder with every word. Then he walk over, puts his hands on his hips and taps his foot. "Hmmmm?" He asks again. "I don't want to be on your team... That's just what I said but" I stop. "Why did u want me on your team?! Hahaha harry has a crush" I say. His face automatically turns a bright apple red. "No I thought you would be a good prankster!" He replies. I'll give him this one, I don't want him to look bad. "Oh" Is all I say, even though I know it's just a cover up. "Anyway to continue, I said I didn't want to be on your team, but I want to, ok never mind that was just a cover up for then, your not fake mad anymore" I say. I reget saying that now. "Fake maddddd?!!!!!!" He says marching back over. "Does this look fake mad to you?" He says picking me up and taking me toward the backyard. What's he gonna do to me? He can't leave me outside can he? He can't- oh my god. I have a pool in my backyard. It's still open, and it's only fall. "Harry don't" I tell harry who's still holding me. "Harry don't... What?" He replies. "Was this your way of getting me pranked?!" I ask him again. "You mean this?" He asks me. I grab onto him as tight as I can. "Don't please don't don't!" I tell him. I feel harry trying to pull me off of him. It's useless for holding on because, soon he is holding me above the water smiling. "No no no no no no no!!" I say. TOO LATE. I feel my stomach drop as he lets go. As I fall into the water I see the other boys run outside. As I emerge into the water, it makes my skin turn to Ice. I slowly sink to the bottom of the water. He pulls a prank on me eh? Well I will pull a prank on him too. He doesn't know that I am champion in the neighborhood for holding my breath the longest. Oooo, this is gonna be fun. Maybe I should continue and pretend it when I get out of the water I can pretend I'm dead... And then scare them!! I find the bottom of the pool and hold myself down, not too obvious, so that it looks like I'm floating around.


Sorry that this chappie took too long, I had to finish it and check it!!! I'm gonna update soon because I can't wait to let u see what happens! And yea oooo what's gonna happen?? What are they gonna say? UPDATE SOON

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