Chapter 8

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Tori's P.O.V.

After they finish explaining that they are on a five week vacation, I decide to make my decision. "My mom is only gone for one week, but we could somehow delay it" I say to everyone. Charlotte is still looking guilty and sad but not as much, now knowing that they are not mad, and even want to stay. "So that's a yes?" Niall asks. "I guess so" I reply. They all cheer loudly. What have I done? I don't think I am going to make it 5 weeks... "But..." I say in between their cheering. They all slowly quiet down. "But what?" Louis asks. "How are we possibly going to stall my mom for four extra weeks?" I ask them. Ha! Looks like they haven't thought about this before, they might not get to stay... Ok maybe I kinda sorta want them to stay. They are all still glancing around frantically, Trying to come up with ideas and speak with their eyes. "I bet we can come up with something, you know we got a week" I say breaking the silence. "Yea! Tori's right! We need to enjoy this time together! We are gonna miss this-" Charlotte speaks up. Her face starts heating up at what she just said. Boy, does this fan girl stuff get to her mind. "This time together and yea,...yah know? Ok ummm..." Charlotte starts stuttering. "It's ok I would want to spend time with me too!" Louis says giving Charlotte a big hug. Awww they look cute together. Too bad that Louis has Eleanor, even though they are the perfect couple too. "Group hug!!!!" Harry shouts. We all gather in a big huddle. OMG ok well I'm not gonna go all fan girl like all these people but, I was just in one of one direction's famous group hugs! Ok maybe I gotta stop hanging out around Charlotte, She is a bad influence on me for that type of thing. "You can let go now Tori" I hear two voices say. I snap out of my fan girl daydream and look up and notice I am still hugging Harry and Charlotte. "Uh sorry" I say backing away. I can tell that I have a faint blush on my face. "So what do you wanna do first?" I ask everybody. "O-o-o!" Harry shouts. "We have to continue that we started back in London!" They all start getting excited. "We have new players now do we need to add them to our teams!" Liam says. "Just promise me that you will help clean up?" They all nod simultaneously. "Wait... What is a prank war?"



I was going update last night but I checked and it was like 12, so I knew nobody would be up... I tried this morning but I didn't have anytime! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I know its shorter than usual, next chapter will be longer, but it was kinda a filler, or IDK! It will be longer and get better i promise! oooo! Tori! dont you know what a prank war is? whose team is she gonna be on??? who is gonna get pranked?? I will update soon! Thanks to everybody who reads this! Don forget to comment, well if you want to.xx

Love you guys!<3

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