Chapter 15

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Thanks for 238 reads!!! Ok here's a gift of a chappie... I hope you like it!! It's only really good at the end in my opinion!


Tori's P.O.V

"Thank you!" I say as I push past him and run downstairs. Now, I kinda feel bad. I need to see... Oh! There he is! Ok run towards him or walk over to him? Before I chose what I wanted to do, my actions decided to do something different.

I walked into the kitchen and picked up the Oreo's box. I left two Oreos with the original crème, for me of course. I pick them up out of the box. I eat one while carrying the box of Oreo's into the living room. I hold the box in front of Liam's face.

"Want one?" I ask him. I know that he is on my team, but if I'm gonna make it believable... "Sure" he replies. 'Don't eat it yet' I mouth to him. I walk around the room giving each lad an Oreo. I shove my other Oreo in my mouth. Yummmmm!!!! Ok I have to admit something... I am addicted to Oreos! It's not fair though that I had to replace the crème with toothpaste.

I hear choking noises coming from around the living room. I also hear gagging and... Crying? Probably Niall. Haha victory... Wait! Did I tell them not to eat it? I know I told Liam but I didn't tell Zayn. I turn around to see Liam sitting there watching, while everyone is gagging out their Oreo!

Haha this is one funny sight. Niall has tears streaming down his face. He is bent over spitting it out into his hand. Then he runs into the kitchen... Ohhh opportunity! Wait! I need to finish watching this sight! Calm Tori, Calm.

Liam is just sitting watching everybody. Louis is running around, and occasionally jumping, and making a sound that sound like gurgling... Weird... I start laughing out loud, and Louis gives me a quick death stare. I turn to Zayn who is now holding onto his throat and making dying sounds. Harry is rolling on the floor, and asking his imaginary cat to tell his mum he loves her. This quite a crazy house right now. I hope they didn't swallow it.

I sprint into the kitchen, the door closing behind us. "Well hello there! Weren't those Oreo's delicious?" I ask him. He looks up from spitting out the Oreo. Awww he was crying, his poor, poor food. "No it was not" he says shaking his head. "I'm sorry" I say under my breath. I think he hears it and nods. "You should have seen Harry's face though... He was telling his imaginary cat to tell his mum he loves her!" I say laughing. Niall starts to smile. Yay! I was probably smiling like an idiot. "Soo" I say wanting him to start, whatever conversation we might have. When he doesn't answer I try to start up another conversation. "Are you alright?" I ask him. Feeling super guilty inside, ok these feelings are getting to me. "I'm better now, I was close to throwing up before, MY PRECIOUS FOOD!!" He says screaming the last part. Awwwwww how many times can I say awwwwww?

Wait... My precious food? Ok I'm going to burst! But he is in love with his food, so it's just typical Niall. "Ok well I have big plans!" I tell him. "Like what?" He asks his eyes brightening up a little bit. "Wait" I tell him. "Meet me and the lads in the living room in 2" I tell him. He just nods his head. I run to the living room. Clapping my hands, I try to get their attention. When that doesn't work, I grab my radio.

Before I turn it on Charlotte appears out of nowhere. "Where were you?" I ask her. "Bathroom" she replies. "oh" I say back. I finally flip on my radio. I start dancing crazily and singing really weird and loudly. That gets their attention.

"Ok lads we have been trapped in this house for weeks so, do you wanna go to Disney World™?"


Ok! Hi everybody!!!! Who's team are you on? Team Tiall (Tori and Niall) or Team Tarry (Tori and Harry)? I think I am on both! Ok this chapter is not as funny as usual and not as exciting! I will not make a chapter this long again, it like dragged it out!!! I don't think I really liked this chapter! I will make the next chapter amazayn! Haha! I didn't have. A lot of ideas tonight... There is a new girl coming to our school tomorrow and she's not very nice, and I have been putting this off and I needed to write it and didn't have the inspiration to write, and wasn't totally in he mood or zone! Sorry rambling!!! Anyway comment 'cupcake styles' if you read this all, or just this... Mwaah! I love you guys keep the reads going and if you want me to read a story of yours or anything else just ask... Also! If you have a problem and want to talk just ask!! Next chapter will be better!! I hope tomorrow goes ok!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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