Chapter 7

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One Direction P.O.V (Louis)

Okay so yesterday was one of the best and weirdest days ever. Best being we got to go to a really fun playground where we met two fans that didn't go crazy and fan girl. We had a lot of fun playing on the playground with them. Oh and pushing Harry off the slide. Worst, as we were walking back home at night, one of the girls from the playground came and kidnapped us, we didn't know it then, but we know it now.

Charlotte P.O.V.

"Funny Story actually... So I kind of slipped outside last night, after having the plan to kidnap them. I found them walking home to the hotel they were staying at and then they got into a limo. As the limo driver was outside closing the door I hopped into the drivers seat and drove away. The boys were all asking me questions but I just kept on driving until we got here. I threatened them with their favorite things and finally got them to come in. Here they are." Charlotte says in three big breaths. "What favorite things?" I asked suspiciously. "For example I said that Louis would never be able to see another pigeon again especially Kevin." Charlotte replies. I start laughing really loudly and then clasp my hand over my mouth. Oops. "Charlotte! You can't just go around and kidnap one direction! Let them go! We are going to get arrested and they probably hate us right now!" I shout starting to feel anger rise inside of me. Now I don't even care if Charlotte tries to slap my hand away! I walk over to them once again. I start to untie the rope holding Liam and Louis' hands together. I manage to get the knot undone with Charlotte slapping my hand away. "I am so sorry guys! My best friend is just a little bit crazy sometimes!" I say looking at all of them feeling really bad. I can feel the tears threading to fall. But they don't because I hold them back so I can untie everybody else. I turn to Charlotte who is now looking really guilty. "How could you do this?" I ask her staring into her eyes. "I had a lot of fun yesterday and then I don't know what happened." She said seriously. "Ok maybe it's fully your fault, your fangirl attacks can go crazy! I don't think that we will get into too much trouble if we send them out the door" I said sounding uncertain. I could tell that Charlotte heard it in my voice too. I finish untying the rest of the guys and throw the rope to the other side if the room. "Ok ummm this might sting" I said to the guys, gesturing to the tape on their mouths. "Who wants to go first?" They all back away quickly except for Liam, who didn't notice they all left him. "Ok I guess it's Liam then..." I said as he looked around furiously. He gave me that, ugh-they-left-me-again-and-let-me-go-first look. I walk up to him and crouch down to his level. He closes his eyes. "I'll do it quick" I reassure Him. He just nods. I pick up one side of the tape and rip it off as fast as I can. He grabs his mouth afterwards. "I'm sorry" I apologize to him an he just nods again. "Now who is next?" They all back away farther. But slowly Niall comes forward. "I promise it will be fast" I rip the tape of his mouth next. Slowly each one of the lads come forward. The last to come up is Louis. After that, I can't stop apologizing for everything that has happened. Liam speaks first. "It's okay love, stop apologizing! We actually needed a place to stay at, oh and we are not mad you! It's fine really" they all nod their heads at this. "Can we stay?" They all ask in unison. Oh great, just what I needed! One direction at my house...

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