Chapter 11

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Chappie 11! Wow yay!!!


Tori's P.O.V.

"Don't be mad........please" I say looking away. Why? Why did I have to do this? I'm still looking down at the floor. Im starting to cry my eyes overflowing with tears silently. I glance up for a split second. Harry's eyes are just looking plain sad. Everybody else is glancing around awkwardly, Looking from place to place. Niall walks over and gives me a hug. Awwwwwwww OMG my own Horan hug! In return I hug him back. Liam walks over too. He does the same as Niall did. These two really care about me for some reason. Harry finally comes over too. Then Louis and Zayn. It turns into a group hug. Charlotte joins us too. I start to cry more. My body starts shaking with every sob. But I start to slow down my crying. Soon, it's just plain old tears again. I didn't notice that everybody left just Niall and me. Uggghhh i dont like Niall! i cant like Niall and this is not helping... They probably saw me cry. "I'm sorry" I say quietly. "Don't be..." Niall says. "I have to be though... I really could have died and Harry would have blamed it on himself." I reply quickly. "But you didn't... Die" he replies. I step back from the hug. "Don't be sorry Tori" Louis replies. "You don't have to be sorry if we aren't mad." Zayn says. "You-you aren't mad?" I ask them all. They all nod. "We could never be mad at you!" Louis says. Awwwww Louis. Harry still hasn't said anything. He has to be mad... I would be mad at me too. "I'm not so sure about Harry" I tell them. They all turn around and look at him. I'm look down, I'm stupid for saying that. All I see is the grass below my feet. Ooooo ant! C'mon Tori focus! Somebody puts their hand under my chin and lifts my head up. "I'm not mad at you, I'm just upset" Harry tells me. "Ok" I say looking back down. Haha I don't mean to make him feel bad, but just a little too close Harry! Back away a little sheesh! "Let's go inside!" Niall says. Thanks for saving me.


As we walk back into the house, we hear thrashing around. I look around. Where are Harry and Louis. They disappeared so quickly. I walk through the door to look for them. As I enter through the door, I hear a noise. Then, something falls from above me, and it covers me. It's super cold. Chocolate Pudding? Are you kidding me? They had to use Chocolate Pudding! I turn around and face a surprised Louis and Harry. "You're soooooo dead!!!" I tell at them as I chase them down. Apparently the games have just begun, May the odds be ever in your Favour!


I hope you liked it! I liked the ending! But, the ending was kinda boring!! It will be funny soon though, and their will be a lot of BIG SURPRISES!! Like the pool thing was a big surprise! The pranks in the next chappie will be really funny!! UPDATE SOON!!!xx

Love you guys sooo much!


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