Chp. 37: Going Back

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I walk into the square and all the newsies are already there. We have posters and are all rallying to stop some people who are tryna sell papes. Or we could fight em. We'll probably just fight em.

I feel someone looking at me and my eyes meet Kid Blinks. He is looking right back at me. We haven't talked about it since and I don't think we will.

We part ways for the carriage that comes between us. Some of the newsies start going at each other. David starts shouting and I look for where he is.

"Race I need some help!" I see him grab Race's shoulders and shake him.

"Alright I ain't deaf"

I walk over and meet them. I give them both hugs and we turn our attention to Spot who is talking at the moment.

"Hey hey break it up" To be honest I have no idea why the newsies are fighting.

"Hey hey Race. Race come ere" Race walks over to Spot and drags me with him.


"Tell me I'm just seein things. Just tell me i'm seein things!" I look around but don't see anything.

Then the newsies on the other side of the police part ways to welcome someone new. Jack.

"No you ain't seein things, that's Jack" Race says. I can't believe Jack would do this to us. This makes sense why he didn't come with us. He was too busy being Pulitzer's little pet!

"What's he doin" I ask the boys.

"He's dressed like a scabber" Someone bumps my shoulder as he gets by and I see it's Mush.

"Jack look at me will ya. Come on it's me, Mush" He approaches Jack only to be stopped and pushed back by the police.

A few other newsies unsuccessfully try to get past them too.

"Where'd yous get them clothes" Boots says trying to get to Jack like everyone else.

"Mr. Pulitzer picked them out himself"lWiesel says.

"Who asked you Weisel?" I spit at him but he just keeps blabbering with his fat ass lips.

"A special gift to a special employee" He pats Jacks suit a little, obviously rubbing it in our faces.

"He's sold us out!" I can't believe Jack would betray us, betray me, to go be with Pulitzer of all people.

"Look at em in his little suit. Ya bum, I'll soak ya!" Both Spot and Race respectively take their turns yelling at Jack.

"Enough. Let me get ma hands dirty" I lunge at Jack trying to get past the police.

"Come ere ya dirty rotten scabber!"

I punch one of them in the face and he falls but the other one is too strong. He pushes me back and I almost fall but David catches me. I look at Jack and he looks hurt. Perfect.

"Thanks" I get back up to normal and David walks to the front. He doesn't try fighting he just calmly walks.

"Oh ya wanna talk ta em?"

"Come on sure" Wiesel motions for the guards to let David go through. He walks up to Jack and they walk a little further away from us. Luckily I have good hearing.

"So this is why yous didn't escape last might" He grabs Jack's coat then shoves it away.

"You're a liar. You lied about everything" Jack doesn't say a word.

"You lied about your father bein out west because he's not out west"

"You didn't even tell me your real name!"

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